Re-framing the core story behind the indian immigration debate…

Vivek Chaturvedi
4 min readMar 1, 2017


Via my blog from March 2011… many of us, it was obvious it would come to this. A great no-winners plan….

On outsourcing and it’s ills…

MARCH 1, 2011

tags: Outsourcing, the ill’s of outsourcing


As evidenced on various web-sites, this outsourcing business has really created a deep India hatred in the US.

Interesting, because India was set up for this role with it’s english centric education, a boom in software education in the early nineties and then the very convenient, absolutely contrived and seemingly long-forgotten Y2K scare, where everyone was told that their undies would catch fire if everything was not checked. And this led to banks off-shoring all the work they said the US could not handle. And they chose their hand-picked Indian lackeys to take the business here. Ruined 3 generations of Indians so far (had to change name, like Jamal had to be Jim, changed language (accent training) and stay up nights and sleep days.

And overpaid to boot.

Beautiful set-up eh?

After the Y2K whimper, everyone was just glad to have survived and forgot that the outsourcing tap, now open for cost-cutting was wide open. And Indian’s were turned, almost overnight, into an aspirationalist, totally greedy, thoughtless, business obsessed, white obsessed people.

All morality has disappeared in these lost generations. They had their identity stripped away from them… name, speech and circadian rhythms?

You guys think this has been good for India? Please, take your call-centre jobs back. But your banking masters will not let you. Slave labour is addictive to them.

So, similarly, china was turned into the polluted, lawless factory of the world and India was turned into the always unsure pretender of a back-office boy.

All foreigners, who complain of Indian’s and chinese in their countries not “mixing-in” with the local, come here and live in gated communities, drive the most expensive cars, completely tinted over, have their own over-priced shops….. they do not mix at all.

It is a really interesting thing to see all this hate here. No one can think beyond their nose of their belly. Since when have them money-men ever done anything that has been good for ANYONE? Never.

India is a lost nation. In 15 short years from the introduction of Colour TV and “The Bold And the Beautiful”, India has lost it’s soul.

Seriously, the American influence, in every sphere in India, has been pernicious, down to the agenda pushing NGO’s, pushing male sterlization and massive vaccination drives.

Bill Gates, Mr. Polio Eradicator (Hah, we know you mr. Gates and Buffer) is here and Sarah Palin is coming as is Niall Furgueson. Full court press. Oscars, Grammys….nothing is hard for India now. Hollywood loves Indian beauties. Yes. Because now they look like American ones.

Outsourcing has ripped the fabric of Indian society at it’s solar-plexus.

And when the dollar collapses, as it will, so will this entire bloated, middle class….

There were three las vegas themed parties, with actual vegas strippers in Bangalore this new year. People look terrible in ill-suited western clothes. Now increasingly naked. That has been a shocker. Women walk around half-naked, but in Indian clothes. Oh and our daily paper has two or three full page spreads about the rainbow revolution and greatness and okayness of gayness.

Hand-picked celebrities are being thrust everywhere. Chose an actor to speak with Billary. It has been elevated to a deified state. We know who is financing the current Bollywood. And Tollywood and kollywood. The paw-prints are everywhere.

So please take your jobs back at 2$ an hour and serve each other.

Any gain to India through this bargain has been a carefully crafted illusion.

Bernays would be proud.

And another pernicious, pervasive impact. One of the primary differentiation in cultures, a culture’s buffers as Gurdjieff would say, are created by a culture’s moral code.

No two moralities can ever be alike. Even within the confines of the same moral code. Morality is a highly individual definition.

And so you take a good south indian lad and send him off to LA or Amsterdam to do a project. In six months, chances are he would have tried hookers and blow. The morality delta induces huge cognitive dissonance. And then he comes back to India and is again bombarded by said cognitive dissonance. Now he is a mis-fit at home. Over-sexualized, borders snapped open, he is adrift.

Culture is the cliff against which the ships of globalization are crashing. Thank goodness.

Homogeneity is death. Lack of polarity is vitality-less.

Let’s go back to being different and relishing it.

sometimes, the irony is just delicious…

