What is Descriptive Writing? Its Techniques and Examples

6 min readNov 20, 2023


Descriptive writing is a style or technique of writing used by the writer to help the reader vividly visualize the story or situation, using words, metaphors, adjectives, and other literary techniques.

This style of writing is useful when you want the reader to imagine or picture the story or situation you are writing about.

The idea is to provide the reader with rich detail for them to picture in their minds the characters, settings, objects, emotions, and places or even events taking place in real-time.

It does sound easy, but many students and adults find that fine-tuning this skill is challenging.

But, it’s not impossible!

By using Tutopiya’s quick manual below, on what is descriptive writing, its techniques, and examples, you can achieve this.

Five Main Techniques and Examples

1. Five Senses Rule

For any novice writer learning the ropes of descriptive writing, the first rule is to appeal to all the five senses of the reader.

Using detail that attracts the five senses, sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell will surely set the tone right for a good piece of descriptive writing.

This kind of detail will make the writing more interesting and engaging.

Take a look at the example below:

‘The gentle warmth of the morning sun caressed my face, the moist yet nostalgic fragrance of wet grass after all that rain transported me back to my childhood.

2. Removing Apparent Description

Description or detail that is very normal and apparent should be left out of writing as it takes up undue space.

Using that space to fill your work with fresh new ideas or words will make your writing more convincing.

It will also give you more time and room to think of other ways of making your writing interesting.

Things that are usual, like the color of the grass or the sky.

Even sounds of animals that we come across every day.

Do not waste time thinking of how to make them any more interesting than they are.

‘The old garden was blooming with colorful flowers once again.’

We all know that flowers are colorful and that they grow in gardens.

Hence emphasizing this sentence with ‘colorful’ does not add any new value.

So, saying ‘The old garden was blooming with flowers once again’ makes the same image in the readers’ mind as it is.

3. Using Figurative/ Descriptive Literary Techniques

Techniques such as Personification, Similes, Hyperboles, Onomatopoeia, and Metaphors are critical masterstrokes that writers use.

Not only do these enhance the language but also provide richness to the writing.

When you attribute a human quality or emotion to an inanimate object that is called Personification.

For example — ‘The chair squeaked as I started to rock it to and fro..’

Similes are basic comparison techniques that compare one thing with another, using the words ‘as’ and ‘like’.

For example- ‘The warrior was as brave and fearless as a lion on the battlefield’.

Hyperboles are the easiest out of the lot.

They are used to exaggerate and create a lasting impression on the reader.

For example — ‘The army rained down their arrows as the enemy approached the castle walls’.


‘It seemed like the suitcase weighed a tone…’

Metaphors are used to compare a thing or person to something else that has similar qualities.

For example — ‘In the morning there was a blanket of snow covering the whole garden’.


‘He was the black sheep of the whole family.

Lastly, Onomatopoeia is a very interesting technique that assigns the sounds to what the words actually mean.

For example — ‘Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, poured the rain on the roof of my treehouse’.


‘As we trudged up the hill, the dry twigs and leaves cracked and crunched under our boots.’

Apart from the main techniques above, there are some subtle yet powerful ones called Emotive Language and Oxymoron's.

Emotive Language is a way of evoking a particular emotional response in the reader.

For example — ‘the innocent and infectious smiles of the children filled the room with immeasurable delight’.


‘As the survivors emerged from the rubble, they gazed upon the shadow of death and destruction.

Additionally, Oxymoron's are phrases that contain two contradictory terms.

For example- Julia hurriedly stuffed a piece of cake in her mouth, and said,” this cake is awfully good Aunt Rose”

4. Using Fresh/New Descriptive Words

Sometimes, fresh and novel words or phrases stick with readers.

That is why descriptive writing is a constantly evolving process.

There is no one correct way of writing in this style.

If the readers connect with your words then you know it’s right.

That is why finding fresh ways to connect with the reader is important.

It is very common to write ‘the gentle breeze touched my face

Try saying ‘a tender breath of fresh spring air caressed our faces..’

It is all about trying new words or adjectives and seeing which ones best convey the feeling you are trying to write about.

5. Reading Good Samples of Descriptive Writing

Reading is a very easy yet sublime way to improve any type of writing skill.

It doesn’t matter whether the material is descriptive or narrative in nature.

What matters is that reading is a very subconscious way of learning how to write well and descriptive writing is no different

If you wish to succeed as a fine descriptive writer then, the most natural way to do so is to read descriptive material yourself.

Reading and writing are a part and partial of our lives, we are surrounded by language and words.

The more we read, the more exposure we get to different writing styles, new words, and phrases, or even new trends of writing.

The mind absorbs several concepts, ideas, signs, words, and detail subconsciously.

The trick is to make reading a constant habit so that the information being synced in can also translate through personal skill and help you tell your story successfully.

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