Month in review: February 2022

Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2022

Hello Investin community,

We hope that February has been a great month for you all though we had a possibility of an all out war we believe these are the times DeFi was built for, to sustain and establish itself as an alternate place for anyone to manage all their financial needs without trusting any government or authority. All in all the future for decentralized finance never looked so bright as current regimes fight for economic dominance.

In short the summary will be broken down in following topics:

  1. Jupiter partnership and integration
  2. Fund state expanded for future integrations
  3. Snappy UI upgrades and overall improvements
  4. Scoring mechanism
  5. Wen trading competition?
  6. Code open sourcing and audit

Jupiter partnership and integration 🔗

We are excited to partner with Jupiter and work with them to integrate Jupiter aggregator into Investin and use it as our main swap engine. This partnership allows Investin’s DeFi hedge funds offer best swap rates on all trades and provide best in class on-chain asset management

Fund size increased

We have migrated to bigger Fund accounts in order to allow for more future integrations. The account size was a huge limitation which made further integrations a bit tough, but migrating to newer and bigger accounts now give us more room for more composability.

Snappy UI upgrades and overall improvements💡

We have overhauled Investin’s backend and reimagined the architecture which has significantly decreased load times. Previously the load times averaged around 20–30 secs but now the fund states and investments being cached by our servers load in less than 2–3 secs a HUGE improvement. Our aim is to enhance the web3 experience and make trading/investing faster and smoother on Investin.

Scoring mechanism 🅰️

Introducing an all new fund scoring mechanism that helps users navigate through Investin funds and find their best match. The scores are graded from A to D, grade A means the fund has a stable performance and D being worst one, these scoring mechanisms would be used to determine protocol revenue distribution and retro-active token distributions. Do hop into our discord and help us with your valuable feedback on better sorting techniques.

Wen trading competition? 💁‍♂️

We had to abruptly pause the trading competition as the duration over which the competition held was quite small. This forced traders to casually punt high leverage trades which doesn't match with ethos of Investin. Our main aim is to onboard consistent performing traders on the protocol to help them build profitable on-chain records, attract investors and kick start their defi hedge fund careers. We aim to democratise earning on Solana blockchain in a truly trustless manner.

And the swap engine powered by Raydium and Orca was not well tuned to provide best prices therby traders were suffering through heavy slippage and we quickly started working to integrate Jupiter from our learnings we gathered during the trading competition. We aim to host the competition very soon do follow our twitter and join our discord to get more updates on dates.

Code open sourcing and audit 🕵️‍♀️

We are very close to open sourcing the alflah(code) and get the verified tag. Actively having talks with the best auditors in industry to get Investin’s codebase audited, more info will be disclosed soon.

The future of asset management is very bright and we have a lot of integrations coming your way.

💬 Join Us!

