Aakash GoyalinTechnical InsightsDatabase Design for Tagging Service — 3 approachesWhenever we create a medium post, a jira ticket or an issue in StackOverflow, we assign tags to our post.Mar 15Mar 15
Aakash GoyalinTechnical InsightsIs PostgreSQL highly consistent or eventually consistent?Are SQL databases always highly consistent? Let’s explore this in today’s article.Feb 20Feb 20
Aakash GoyalinTechnical InsightsReplication factor and Consistency levelsIn Apache Cassandra, replication factor and consistency levels are crucial concepts related to ensuring fault tolerance, high availability…Feb 17Feb 17
Aakash GoyalinTechnical InsightsDatabase Replication StrategiesTo achieve scalability in a high-load system, the Database needs to be replicated.Feb 17Feb 17
Aakash GoyalinTechnical InsightsCaching strategies — Read, Write, Invalidation and EvictionWhat is Caching?Feb 16Feb 16
Aakash GoyalinTechnical InsightsDifferent types of DatabaseDatabases can be broadly categorized into various types based on their data model, structure, and functionality. Here are some common types…Feb 9Feb 9
Aakash GoyalinTechnical InsightsPostgres Deployment StrategiesBelow are several common deployment scenarios for PostgreSQL:Feb 8Feb 8
Aakash GoyalinTechnical InsightsRedis Deployment StrategiesFrom a deployment perspective, Redis can be set up in various ways to meet specific requirements, taking into account factors such as high…Feb 81Feb 81
Aakash GoyalinTechnical InsightsRedis Commands CheatSheetThe below content serves as a quick refresher of Redis commands. Feel free to share your feedback if any.Feb 7Feb 7
Aakash GoyalinAakash GoyalHow to face our past blunders and move ahead in life?“In order to heal, we must first forgive … and sometimes the person we must forgive is ourselves.” — Mila BronMay 6, 20201May 6, 20201