Preprocessing algorithm for KMP search (LPS array algorithm)

Aakash Das
4 min readAug 31, 2021


For the KMP algorithm, we’ll be creating an array to store the LPS (a detailed explanation is provided below) data of the pattern that we’re trying to search.


Proper prefix

A prefix of a string is a substring that occurs at the beginning of the string and a proper prefix is all prefixes that are not equal to the string itself

String : “hello”

prefixes: “”, “h”, “he”, “hel”, “hell”, “hello”

proper prefixes: “”, “h”, “he”, “hel”, “hell”

Proper suffix

A suffix of a string is a substring that occurs at the end of the string and a proper suffix is all suffixes that are not equal to the string itself

String : “hello”

suffixes: “”, “o”, “lo”, “llo”, “ello”, “hello”

proper suffixes: “”, “o”, “lo”, “llo”, “ello”

LPS is simply the name of the array that we’re trying to build where the value at an index ‘i’ indicates the length of the longest proper prefix which is also the same as the proper suffix for the string containing the first ‘i’ characters.

Understanding the LPS array

If the pattern/string that we’re considering is “ a a c a a a a c ” then length of the LPS array would be 8.

LPS[4] would store the length of the longest proper prefix which same as the proper suffix of the string formed using the first 5 characters (“ a a c a a ”) of the pattern i.e from index 0 to index 4 .

LPS[0] of any pattern is always 0 as a string of length 1 would just have “” and a proper prefix and suffix.

Algorithm to compute LPS

The intention of this algorithm is to compute the array in O(n) complexity by establishing a dependency on the already computed elements. I’ve listed the algorithm below and tried to provide some intuition for the major cases

  1. Initialize lps[0] to 0 and assume that our string or pattern is stored in a variable named P
  2. Maintain 2 pointers: len and index. len maintains the length of the longest prefix found so far and index is used to iterate over and compute all the elements of the lps array
  3. Initialize len to 0 and index to 1.
  4. If P[index] = P[len] . This means that that we found a new and longer prefix that matches the suffix, so P[index] = len (length of last prefix)+ 1
  5. If P[index] != P[len]. This means that for the string P[0..index], the length of the longest prefix must be lesser than len, so we try to find a lower value for len that might satisfy the prefix criteria. For now, let’s say that the next smaller possible value of len that could be a potential match would be P[len-1] if len > 0 otherwise P[index] = 0. (This case is a bit tricky so please refer to the images below to understand the proof)


Starting state of the array
P[index] == P[len] , so len = len + 1 and P[index] = len and index = index + 1
P[index] != P[len] , so len = P[len-1] = 0
P[index] != P[len] and len = 0 so, P[index] = 0 and index = index + 1
P[index] == P[len] , so len = len + 1 and P[index] = len and index = index + 1
P[index] == P[len] , so len = len + 1 and P[index] = len and index = index + 1
P[index] == P[len] , so len = len + 1 and P[index] = len and index = index + 1
P[index] != P[len] , so len = P[len-1] = 1
P[index] == P[len] , so len = len + 1 and P[index] = len and index = index + 1
P[index] != P[len] , so len = P[len-1] = 1
P[index] == P[len] , so len = len + 1 and P[index] = len and index = index + 1
P[index] == P[len] , so len = len + 1 and P[index] = len and index = index + 1

Intuition behind why we do len = P[len-1]

Assume that we’re at a state where

P[index-1] = j, len=j, and P[index] != P[len].

Current state

We want to prove that the next value of len should be P[len-1]

Since, P[index] != P[len], we know that the longest prefix of length j is not possible. So let’s assume the next prefix that could be possible is of length k , where k < len.

Now since Prefix P1 (green area on left ) is the same as the Suffix S1 (green area on right), the following image would be true.

So from the above image, we can conclude that:

k = lps[len-1]

Hence, we update the value of len to k and then repeat the comparison step checking P[index] = P[k] …….

Python implementation

