
Aakash Khatter
1 min readAug 21, 2018


Existentialism is a philosophical theory or approach which emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will.

In simpler terms, existentialism is a philosophy concerned with finding self and the meaning of life through free will, choice, and personal responsibility. The belief is that people are searching to find out who and what they are throughout life as they make choices based on their experiences, beliefs, and outlook. And personal choices become unique without the necessity of an objective form of truth. An existentialist believes that a person should be forced to choose and be responsible without the help of laws, ethnic rules, or traditions.

Existentialism is not about accepting what is and thinking that is enough in life. It’s about realising that society is unnatural and its traditional religious and secular rules are arbitrary. It also says that decisions in life are not without stress and consequences and a person is best when struggling against their individual nature, fighting for life.

There is a wide variety of philosophical, religious, and political ideologies that make up existentialism so there is no universal agreement in an arbitrary set of ideals and beliefs.

