Real Time Classification Video Stream Using a LeNet5 Convolutional Neural Network

Aakash Pydi
3 min readJun 9, 2019


In this project I used a LeNet5 convolutional neural network to carry out classifcation for the CIFAR100 Dataset. The trained CNN model was then used to carry out real time object classification in a video stream. (Link to Github Repo of Source Code). I also included an implementation of a CNN model to carry out classification for the MNIST (handwritten digits) dataset.

In, a LeNet5 convolution neural network is used to carry out classification for the MNIST (handwritten digits) dataset. In, a LeNet5 convolution neural network is used to carry out classification for the CIFAR100 dataset. Note that is also included to carry out comparison of the LeNet5 CNN model and the simple NN model from the last homework. (This was done by storing the plot details from and then accessing that information from nn_img2num, and then subsequently plotting the required charts). The file lenet5_data.tar has the required plot information from running

The file saved_cnn_model_save.tar stores the evaluated CIFAR100 LeNet5 CNN model. This allows one to quickly load the model (circumventing the lengthy training time). If one wants to train the model again, simply delete this save file.

The associated results are given below.

Image to Number (MNIST Dataset)

Comparison Between LeNet5 CNN and Simple NN for MNIST Digit Classification

Image to Object (CIFAR100 Dataset)

One Object and its Caption

Continuous Captioning of Images from a Webcam

Written on April 16, 2018



Aakash Pydi

Code. Debug. Repeat. Currently an SDE II at Amazon AI (AWS SageMaker Hosting). Always promoting curiosity, camaraderie and compassion. All opinions are my own.