InLetters to a young designerbyAalap DoshiDesign is not the pointMy quest to find my identity as a designerFeb 27, 2017Feb 27, 2017
InLetters to a young designerbyAalap DoshiThe Spirit of MakingA legendary architect’s thoughts on making to think and making to learnMar 1, 2017Mar 1, 2017
InDesigning for Health ResearchbyAalap DoshiWhy we built UMHealthResearchUMHealthResearch is an online platform where people can connect with health researchers at the University of Michigan.Mar 8, 2017Mar 8, 2017
InDesigning for Health ResearchbyAalap DoshiExplain your gobbly-goop to your wife’s grandfatherOr why you need to explain things to people other than your colleaguesMar 17, 2017Mar 17, 2017
InDesigning for Health ResearchbyAalap DoshiSketching user experiences for complex web interactions: An exampleFaking it, coding as a designer, sketching and all that.Mar 27, 2017Mar 27, 2017
InLetters to a young designerbyAalap DoshiQ/A with graphic design students at the School of Information, University of MichiganApr 14, 2017Apr 14, 2017
InLetters to a young designerbyAalap DoshiFeedback for Design Internship CandidatesAdvice for UX designers starting out and looking for their first (half)gigs.May 8, 2017May 8, 2017
InDesigning for Health ResearchbyAalap DoshiShopping funnel, user experience and a 111% increase in signupsHow we adopted the buying funnel as a user experience tool, increasing volunteer signups by 111%Aug 30, 2017Aug 30, 2017
InDesigning for Health ResearchbyAalap DoshiHybrid Affinity MapAdding the qualitative to the quantitativeNov 28, 20171Nov 28, 20171
InLetters to a young designerbyAalap DoshiApplying the concepts of Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and Pivot to DesignI was asked to give a talk to the design students of the School of Information at the University of Michigan on the ideas of Minimum Viable…Dec 5, 2017Dec 5, 2017
InLetters to a young designerbyAalap DoshiClient Presentations- Your client is also one of your usersApplying empathy to client presentationsDec 5, 2017Dec 5, 2017
InDesigning for Health ResearchbyAalap DoshiImpact PyramidA simple framework to prioritize user research insightsSep 18, 2018Sep 18, 2018
InDesigning for Health ResearchbyAalap DoshiUMHealthResearchConnecting people across the globe to health researchOct 4, 2024Oct 4, 2024
Aalap DoshiFindcare: Connecting low-income communities to low-cost or free healthcareOverviewOct 15, 2024Oct 15, 2024
Aalap DoshiCreating a user-focused, metrics-backed website for an organization that has diverse offeringsProject OverviewOct 16, 2024Oct 16, 2024