Jobs for Creative - Technical People

I’m a creative person, I have lots of ideas, what should I do with my life?

3 min readSep 29, 2023
Image created by the Author

If you’re interested in a role that involves creative thinking and ideation for various aspects of a business, such as developing new business ideas, designing apps or websites, and contributing creative solutions for the entire company. Here are a few roles that might align with your interests:

  1. Business Strategist/Innovation Manager: In this role, you would focus on identifying new business opportunities, developing innovative ideas, and creating strategies to drive growth and success for the company. You would be involved in brainstorming and formulating plans to expand the business or launch new products and services.
  2. Product Manager: Product managers are responsible for overseeing the development and launch of products, including apps and websites. They work closely with cross-functional teams, gather customer insights, and contribute to the overall vision and design of the product.
  3. UX/UI Designer (my current role): User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) designers are responsible for creating user-friendly and visually appealing digital experiences. They work on designing interfaces for apps, websites, and other digital platforms, focusing on usability, aesthetics, and user satisfaction.
  4. Creative Director: Creative directors provide leadership for a company’s creative team, ensuring that all creative outputs align with the company’s brand and objectives. They oversee the development of marketing materials, campaigns, and other creative projects.
  5. Innovation Consultant: Innovation consultants work with companies to identify new opportunities, develop creative ideas, and implement strategies for growth and improvement. They often bring fresh perspectives and expertise in creative problem-solving.
  6. Chief Innovation Officer: Some companies have Chief Innovation Officers who are responsible for driving innovation throughout the organization. They lead teams in developing creative solutions, identifying market trends, and finding opportunities for growth.
  7. Digital Marketing Specialist: Digital marketing specialists often need to come up with creative strategies to promote products, services, or the overall brand online. This role involves finding unique ways to engage the target audience and drive traffic and conversions.
  8. Entrepreneur: If you’re interested in ideating and developing new businesses from the ground up, becoming an entrepreneur might be a great fit. As an entrepreneur, you would be responsible for creating and implementing innovative business ideas.

Fun fact: Creativity is the Number One Skill Every Entrepreneur Possesses.

Other honorable mentions

Here are some roles that are a bit less technical and business-heavy but still involve creative thinking:

  1. Content Creator/Writer
  2. Graphic Designer
  3. Video Editor/Filmmaker
  4. Game Designer
  5. Architect
  6. Fashion Designer
  7. Interior Designer
  8. Digital Artist/Illustrator
  9. Creative Strategist
  10. Advertising Copywriter

In conclusion

When pursuing these roles, it’s important to have a strong foundation in creative thinking, problem-solving, and possibly skills related to design, business strategy, or technology, depending on the specific role. Networking, building a strong portfolio, and staying updated on industry trends will also be beneficial in securing such positions.

Thank you for reading, let me what you think 😊

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