How to Eat Pomegranate Seeds

Elon Klein
3 min readMar 29, 2024

Pomegranate, with its ruby-red arils bursting with sweet-tart flavor and myriad health benefits, is a delightful addition to any diet. However, many people find themselves intimidated by the prospect of extracting and eating the seeds. Fear not! With a few simple steps, you can easily enjoy the deliciousness of pomegranate seeds without any hassle. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to eat pomegranate seeds like a pro:

Selecting the Perfect Pomegranate:

Choose a pomegranate that feels heavy for its size, indicating juiciness. Look for fruits with unblemished, firm skins and vibrant color. These are signs of ripeness and freshness, ensuring the seeds inside are plump and flavorful.

Preparing Your Workspace:

Pomegranate juice can stain surfaces and clothing, so it’s wise to prepare your workspace before starting. Lay down paper towels or a cutting board to catch any juice that may splatter during the seed extraction process.

Cutting the Pomegranate:

Use a sharp knife to score the skin of the pomegranate around its circumference, making sure not to cut too deep into the seeds. Once scored, gently pull the fruit apart into halves or quarters, exposing the clusters of seeds inside.

Extracting the Seeds:

Submerge the pomegranate sections in a bowl of water. Using your fingers, gently loosen the seeds from the white membrane, allowing them to sink to the bottom of the bowl while the membrane floats to the surface. Alternatively, you can gently tap the back of the pomegranate with a wooden spoon to release the seeds into the bowl.

Removing Excess Membrane:

Skim off any floating pieces of membrane from the surface of the water. This step helps ensure that only the seeds remain in the bowl, making them easier to enjoy without any unwanted bitterness.

Draining and Drying the Seeds:

Carefully pour the contents of the bowl through a fine mesh strainer to separate the seeds from the water. Rinse the seeds under cold running water to remove any remaining bits of membrane. Once rinsed, gently pat the seeds dry with paper towels.

Enjoying Your Pomegranate Seeds:

Now that your pomegranate seeds are prepared, it’s time to enjoy them! You can eat them as they are, sprinkle them over salads or yogurt for added texture and flavor, or incorporate them into smoothies, desserts, and savory dishes for a burst of freshness.


If you have leftover seeds, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to five days. Alternatively, you can freeze the seeds for longer-term storage, ensuring you have a supply of delicious pomegranate goodness whenever the craving strikes.

By following these simple steps, you can confidently tackle the task of eating pomegranate seeds with ease. Not only are these tiny jewels packed with flavor, but they also offer a host of health benefits, including being rich in antioxidants and vitamins. So go ahead, indulge in the delightful experience of savoring freshly extracted pomegranate seeds, and elevate your culinary adventures to new heights!



Elon Klein

I am a blogger that offers valuable insights, tips, and information on a variety of topics including appliances.