Hasura Internship 2017(Task 1.1): Three screen app idea

1 min readAug 7, 2017


The Hasura 2017 summer internship requires the interns to create a three screen app which would be powered by the Hasura Baas(Backed as a service) and Paas (Platform as a service).

The app can be either a web app or mobile app.The restriction are that it should have close to 3 screens, imposed inorder to be able to complete the task in 2 months.

The app I will create will be a web app using the node js express server for the backed and react js for the front end

The idea is to create a simple image managing app where one can create gallery's and add images via providing URL links or uploading them.

The images can be tagged with various tags available making it easier to search and organize images inside a gallery.

The name of this app will be Image Manager and it would be powered by Hasura.

