5 bookmarks: Alex Muench

3 min readAug 10, 2022


By Alex Muench for the Aaply blog

5 bookmarks: Alex Muench

As a product designer working on task management and team communication apps and also in a remote company it’s my duty and passion to stay up to date with the latest trends and news in these spaces. Here are a few of my favorite bookmarks I come back to every day:

  1. Todoist
Todoist (todoist.com)

Every morning I scan my task list in Todoist and start with the Routines, then I go to the priority 1 tasks for the day. I have mixed personal and work related tasks inside Todoist but due to the ability to group by project I have a perfect overview of the different areas of my life that I can focus on.

2. Twist

Twist (twist.com)

We at Doist have built Twist to communicate with each other daily and offer an organized experience for remote teams. It’s my ritual to check Twist a few times throughout the day.

3. Sidebar.io

Sidebar.io (sidebar.io)

Sidebar delivers a welcome dose of design articles and news for people interested in design, development and technology. In the morning when I have my cup of coffee I check the page or the newsletter and read a few posts. I love the fact that they skip the weekend because that is the time you should disconnect from work.

4. Mobbin

Mobbin (mobbin.com)

I use this platform to research UI and UX patterns from different apps. It has a great collection of screenshots.

5. Dovetail

Dovetail (dovetailapp.com)

Dovetail is our tool of choice when it comes to research. We collect requests, research projects, interviews and insights here. I regularly check the Insights page to see what teammates have added recently.

Huge thanks to Alex for letting us all peek into his bookmarks! We truly hope you found something that you’d be interested to try to incorporate into your daily browsing. Let us know what you think in the comments of this post! 🙌🏻

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