Is Python Going to Die in 2023?

Debunking the Myth of the Language’s Demise in 2023.

Aarafat Islam
3 min readJan 21, 2023

Python, the snake that’s also a programming language, is slithering its way to the top of the charts once again. But with 2023 fast approaching, some are wondering if the language has reached its expiration date. Will Python’s popularity continue to rise, or will it die out like a python that’s outgrown its terrarium? Well, don’t worry folks, because this snake’s not going anywhere. Let’s unravel the truth behind the rumors of Python’s demise.

It is implausible that Python will “die” in 2023. In fact, Python has consistently ranked as one of the most popular programming languages in recent years, and it is widely used in various industries, including web development, data science, and artificial intelligence.

A few examples of how Python is being used in various industries:

1. Web development:

Python is often used in combination with web frameworks such as Django and Flask. These frameworks make it easy to build and maintain complex web applications and are used by companies such as Instagram, Spotify, and Dropbox.

2. Data science and machine learning:

Python is widely used in combination with libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and scikit-learn. These libraries provide powerful tools for data analysis, manipulation and machine-learning tasks.

3. Artificial intelligence:

Python is also used extensively with libraries such as TensorFlow, Keras and PyTorch. These libraries are used for deep learning and neural network development and are used by companies such as Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI.

4. Scientific computing:

Python is used with libraries such as SciPy and Matplotlib, which are used for numerical computing and data visualization. These libraries are used in various scientific fields such as physics, chemistry, and biology.

Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

One reason for Python’s continued popularity is its simplicity and ease of use. The language is designed to be easy to read and write, making it accessible to a wide range of developers, from beginners to experienced professionals. Additionally, the vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks available for Python, such as Django and Flask for web development, and NumPy and Pandas for data science, further enhances its utility and versatility.

Python’s popularity in the field of data science is particularly noteworthy. The language’s simplicity and ability to integrate with other tools have made it a popular choice for data scientists and machine learning engineers. In fact, Python has become the de facto standard for many data science tasks and is used by companies such as Google, Facebook, and Netflix for data analysis and machine learning.

Photo by Hung Do on Unsplash

Another reason for Python’s continued success is its strong community. The Python community is large and active, with countless resources, tutorials, and forums available to help developers learn and improve their skills. Additionally, the community regularly releases updates and new versions of the language, ensuring that it stays relevant and up-to-date.

In comparison to other popular languages, Python is often considered to be more versatile and easier to learn than languages such as C++ or Java. Python’s simplicity and expressiveness make it a great choice for a wide range of tasks, from web development to data science to artificial intelligence. Additionally, Python’s large ecosystem of libraries and frameworks makes it a powerful tool for solving complex problems.

On the other hand, languages such as C++ and Java are more performant and low-level, which makes them a better choice for certain tasks such as system programming, game development, and other high-performance applications.

In conclusion, Python is a widely used, versatile, and popular programming language, with a strong community and ecosystem. It has been consistently ranked as one of the most popular programming languages, and it is widely used in various industries, including web development, data science, and artificial intelligence. It is implausible that Python will “die” in 2023 or in near future.



Aarafat Islam

🌎 A Philomath | Predilection for AI, DL | Blockchain | Researcher | Technophile | True Optimist | Endeavors to make impact on the world! ✨