Subcutanean is on sale all week!

Aaron A. Reed
3 min readFeb 4, 2021


It’s the one-year anniversary of Subcutanean, my permutational horror novel of mirror universes, released on the mirror-date of 0202–2020. To celebrate, you can get your own unique copy of this book that changes for each new reader for 20% off this week.

One of the things I’m proudest about with Subcutanean is that despite being a procedural text project, reviewers have strongly connected with its story of self-discovery and identity. It’s got a 98% positive rating on Goodreads, and it’s been incredible to read the reactions as people have discovered the book over the past year. I wanted to share a few of my favorite excerpts from Goodreads reviews.

  • Thomas Gizbert wrote: “My worry when pledging for this book was that it wouldn’t transcend its core gimmick, or, worse, that the randomised aspects of the text would hinder the book, rendering it choppy or disjointed. I was wrong, of course. …a compulsive page-turner that kept me reading even when it got deeply scary.” Thanks for powering through, Thomas!
  • Carl wrote: “I kept asking myself, ‘Is this a mystery? a horror? fantasy? science fiction?’ As events progressed, I found my perspective shifted from one genre to another as if the story were branching as I read it. This is a feature, not a bug! This realization marked when I felt like I understood what Aaron was trying to do — just knowing other readers will read a slightly different version of events means what is on my page is but one interpretation of a larger story. Perhaps your interpretation will be different, but isn’t that the point?” Thanks for the thoughtful review, Carl.
  • CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian (what a dope username!) wrote: “an inventive and creepy queer horror thriller [with] very cool meta-narrative details.” Thanks, Casey.
  • Shannon wrote: “Take House of Leaves’ Navidson Record endless house of horrors, mix in heavy helpings of Dark Matter’s parallel universes and sprinkle in some great LGBTQ representation and you get Subcutanean. …The moments of horror were often delightfully blindsiding and were handled SO well. I finished the story desperately wanting to read it again. And the best part is that I CAN reread it and have it be different the next time through.” Thank you, Shannon!
  • Katrina wrote: “Read this book. Not only is the fact that each copy is unique an amazing concept, but the goddamn thing is proper creepy.” Thanks for the kind words, Katrina.
  • Matt (TeamRedmon) wrote: “Every page is a new discovery and just when I thought I knew where the story was going I quickly realized I was wrong.⁣” Glad to keep surprising you, Matt!
  • Peter Terry wrote: “not just smartly written but a fantastically fun read. The characters are deep and relatable; the plot has great subtext and kept me hooked. It’s eerie, creepy, and drips existential dread. That you can get your own permutation of the novel feels clinical and calculated — a perfectly resonate and thematic touch.” Thanks Peter!
  • Tim Chaplin wrote: “I’m a slow reader; it takes me about a month to get through a book, mostly because I read a chapter or less at a time after I get into bed. I tore through this book in 2 sittings. I literally can’t remember the last time that happened. I’ve also never reviewed a book online, but I felt like I had to tell people about it.” Thank you Tim, and it’s much appreciated.

If you haven’t got your own Subcutanean yet, you can get a unique print or e-book copy on sale through the first week of February 2021, or follow my other work on Twitter or my projects website.



Aaron A. Reed

Writer and game designer interested in the future and history of interactive narrative.