The Myth Of Normalcy.

2 min readAug 2, 2018
image by slideshare

Society’s notion on normalcy has always confused me. A normal person, according to society, is supposed to be cisgender, straight and perfectly in control of their emotions. Now I have gone over the themes of gender and sexuality in my other articles, and society has been evolving when it comes to gender and sexuality. In this article, I want to first concentrate on mental health. I don’t like how society treats people with mental health conditions, especially western society. Society shouldn’t be treating these people as people who are wrong, or dysfunctional. I don’t like the term ‘disorder’. Now, I am in no way romanticising mental health conditions. No, I would never do that. But I don’t think treating this people are outsiders, telling these people there is something fundamentally wrong with them is a solution either. Society isolates these people and makes them they are wrong for being different. But that’s the thing. Different is equal to different, different is not equal to wrong. Referring to personality traits as ‘disorders’ further perpetuates the notion that a person is abnormal. This isn’t helping anyone. We can’t expect everyone to fit in the mould of one, perfect identity considered to be ‘normal’. Everyone is different and being different is never the equivalent of being wrong. No two people in this word are the same. That’s simply not possible because we were made to be different. And thus it is an error to try…

