Meltdown and Spectre: Unmasking Side-Channel Vulnerabilities

Aaron Masuba
8 min readJun 9, 2024


Courtesy of Redmonk

Let’s talk about computer security!


In the early 2018, the cybersecurity community was rocked by the discovery of two critical vulnerabilities affecting modern computer processors: Meltdown and Spectre. These vulnerabilities exploit hardware design flaws, allowing attackers to steal sensitive data from a system’s memory. This article dives into the details of these side-channel attacks and explores their impact on computer security.

What are Side-Channel Attacks?

Side-channel attacks (SCAs) are a type of cyber-attack that targets the implementation weaknesses of cryptographic systems, rather than the mathematical algorithms themselves. Side-channel attacks exploit the physical implementation of a system rather than the weaknesses in the algorithm itself. These attacks can extract sensitive data by measuring various aspects of the system’s operation, such as timing information, power consumption, electromagnetic leaks, or even sound (acoustic emissions). They have become a major concern in various domains, including cloud computing, IoT, and critical infrastructure. Meltdown and Spectre are prime examples of side-channel attacks that target the way processors handle instructions and data.

Understanding Meltdown and Spectre


Meltdown is aptly named because it “melts” the security boundaries enforced by hardware. It affects desktops, laptops, and cloud computers. To exploit Meltdown, the attacker gains access to sensitive information stored in a computer’s kernel memory. This includes keystrokes, passwords, encryption keys and other valuable data. Meltdown leverages speculative execution, a performance optimization technique used by modern CPUs. It allows an attacker to bypass security checks and access data they shouldn’t have permission to read [1]

Illustration of Meltdown Side-Channel Attack


Spectre is more elusive implying a difficulty in finding, catching and tracking down. It doesn’t directly breach security boundaries but tricks programs into revealing their data. To exploit spectre, an attacker forces a program to execute speculative instructions, leaking sensitive information. Spectre affects nearly all devices, including desktops, laptops, cloud servers, and smartphones. Spectre has multiple variants, including Spectre Variant 2 a branch target injection and Spectre Variant 1 a bound check bypass. [1]

Illustration of Spectre Side-Channel Attacks

Meltdown and Spectre Side-Channel Attacks in Action.

As we have established that Meltdown exploits a different CPU feature: out-of-order execution. This performance optimization is where allowed instructions to be executed start as soon as their dependencies are resolved, rather than strictly staying in order.

  • Out-of-Order Execution: Here, modern processors execute instructions out of order to improve performance. They maintain the illusion of in-order execution by rearranging the results afterward.
  • Accessing Kernel Memory: Meltdown tricks the CPU into executing an instruction that accesses privileged kernel memory in out-of-order execution.
  • Timing Analysis to Leak Data: Although the unauthorized memory access will cause an exception, the speculatively executed instructions leave traces in the CPU cache. An attacker can measure the timing to infer the values of the protected memory.
Illustration of Out-Of-Order Execution

Illustrative C Code for Meltdown:

// Kernel address to read
unsigned long kernel_address = 0xffffffffff000000;
// Temporal buffer to catch the data
unsigned char buffer[256 * 4096];
int value = *(int*)kernel_address;
buffer[value * 4096] = 1;

In the code above, the value from the kernel address is speculatively loaded into the buffer, and the cache state changes based on the value read. Timing measurements on the buffer can reveal that data. [2]

A buffer is a storage device used to compensate for a difference in rate of data flow, or time occurrence of events, when transmitting data from one device to another. In other words, it is a reserved segment of memory (RAM) within a program that is used to hold the data being processed or a region of memory used to temporarily hold data while it is being moved from one place to another. It is used when moving data between processes within a computer. Most buffers are implemented in software. When we remove buffers, we either lose data or attain a lower bandwidth utilization. Details about Buffering shall be covered in another article later.

Cache memory on the other hand which is a buffer between RAM and the CPU is a chip-based computer component that makes data from the computer’s memory more efficient. It is a very special memory. The cache is smaller and faster memory that stores copies of the data from frequently used main memory locations. There are various different independent caches in a CPU, which store instructions and data. The most important use of cache memory is that it helps reduce the average time to access data from the main memory. Of course, there are differences between an OS Buffer and Cache which shall be addressed later in another article too!

Lastly, Kernel is a computer program at the core of a computer’s operating system and generally has complete control over everything in the system. It is the central component of an operating system that manages operations of computer and hardware. These include memory and CPU time operations. Kernel is a core component of an operating system that acts as a bridge between applications and data processing performed at hardware level using inter-process communication and system calls. Kernel loads first into memory when an operating system is loaded and remains into memory until the operating system is shut down again. It is responsible for various tasks such as disk management, task management, and memory management.

We also know, Spectre takes advantage of speculative execution, a performance feature in modern CPUs. Speculative execution allows processors to predict the direction of branches in code and execute instructions ahead of time, speeding up execution and this is exploited to leak information across security boundaries. [4]

  • Branch Prediction and Speculative Execution: Modern CPUs use branch predictors to guess the path a branch (like an if statement) will take. They speculatively execute instructions along the predicted path.
  • Mistraining the Branch Predictor: An attacker can deliberately mistrain the branch predictor by running code that forces it to make incorrect predictions.
  • Accessing Out-Of-Bounds Memory: During speculative execution, the processor might access sensitive data that it shouldn’t. Although this data is not directly exposed, it influences the CPU cache.
  • Extracting Data via Cache Timing: By measuring the time it takes to access certain memory locations, an attacker can infer the data that was speculatively accessed, revealing sensitive information.
Illustration of Speculative Execution

Illustrative C Code for Speculative Execution:

if (x < array1_size){
temp = array2[array1[x]*512];

From the above, if the branch predictor is misled about the condition (x < array1_size), it might speculatively execute the read from array2 based on out-of-bounds data from array1. [2]

Impact and Implication of the Side-Channel Attacks.

Meltdown and Spectre have far-reaching implications which include the following: [3]

  • Security: They compromise the fundamental isolation between user applications and the operating system, allowing attackers to access sensitive data.
  • Performance: Mitigations often involve disabling certain CPU features or adding additional checks, which can degrade performance.
  • Pervasiveness: Almost all modern processors, including those from Intel, AMD, and ARM, are affected.

Mitigation Strategies of Side-Channel Attacks.

Mitigating Meltdown and Spectre side-channel attacks requires a combination of hardware and software approaches:

  • Patching: Software patching is where operating systems are updated with patches to mitigate these vulnerabilities. These patches often include techniques like kernel page-table isolation (KPTI) and speculative execution barriers. Software patches can mitigate meltdown, the vulnerability lies in CPU architecture. Patching may impact performance, so monitoring critical applications is very crucial. Spectre unlike meltdown is harder to patch due to its architectural nature. However, vendors continue to release microcode updates. In this process, cloud service providers (CSPs) must also address host OS patching and mandatory reboots. [1]
  • Microcode updates and Obfuscation: Talking about microcode updates, processor microcode updates are applied to existing hardware to mitigate some aspects of these vulnerabilities. In obfuscation, robust countermeasures such as masking and hiding may be implemented. Regular security audits and penetration testing can be conducted too.
  • Hardware changes: Manufacturers of processors are constantly redesigning their CPUs to be resistant to these types of attacks. New hardware with built-in mitigations are gradually becoming available. DevSecOps is an emerging career track for developers, security and operation working to address security issues efficiently.
  • Application changes: Developers can write code that is less susceptible to these attacks by avoiding certain coding patterns that can be exploited. This could involve developing and using side-channel attack resistant cryptography while educating developers and security professionals about side-channel attacks.


Recent advances in computing and intelligence of computers is making the side-channel attacks more sophisticated and extremely complex to mitigate. While mitigation efforts are being carried out, vigilance and advancements in hardware design are essential to safeguard against future threats. This is because side-channel attacks pose a significant threat to modern computing systems, and understanding their mechanisms and countermeasures is crucial in ensuring security. Through understanding the side-channel attacks covered in this article, that is to say meltdown and spectre, vulnerabilities in modern computer hardware are highlighted and associated risks associated with side-channel attacks are showcased. Thanks for getting to the end of this article and in the next one, we shall further explore on computer architecture and security futuristic research directions including Post-Quantum Cryptography, IoT and Embedded Systems (FPGA) Side-Channel Attacks and Hybrid Obfuscation, Machine Learning-based Side-Channel Attacks, Hardware Assisted Security and Secure Design and Implementation and Side-Channel Attack Detection and Prevention.


[1] “ Meltdown and Spectre Side-Channel Vulnerability Guidance | CISA,”, May 01, 2018.

[2] Kocher, P., Horn, J., Fogh, A., Genkin, D., Haas, W., … & Yarom, Y. (2019). Spectre Attacks: Exploiting Speculative Execution. In 2019 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP) (pp. 1–19). IEEE. Spectre Attacks: Exploiting Speculative Execution | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore

[3] Lipp, M., Schwarz, M., Gruss, D., Prescher, T., Haas, W., Mangard, S., … & Kocker, P. (2018). Meltdown:Reading Kernel Memory from USer Space. In 27th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 18) (pp. 973–990). Meltdown: Reading Kernel Memory from User Space | USENIX

[4] Intel Corporation. (2018). Intel Analysis of Speculative Execution Side Channels. Retrieved from Intel Analysis of Speculative Execution Side Channels



Aaron Masuba

Computer Engineering Doctoral Scholar exploring advances in Computer Architecture, Networks, Distributed Systems and Security. #SecureComputerArchitecture