180 Websites in 180 Days: Day 40

Aaron Massey
1 min readAug 22, 2017


Check out today’s page and the rest of the projects from this challenge here!

Simon got the best of me again. The first time I tried to create it with jQuery it took me DAYS because of some bugs I was getting. Probably would have finished it a little late last night if I hadn’t of fell asleep but it still would’ve been late.

I had to change a lot of my initial code. First I got it to work then realized it was only checking the current click instead of repeating the pattern and checking all of your clicks. Then the sequence kept coming back wrong. And then I just kept altering my code until it was all a mess.

I took a step back and reviewed my flowchart from my previous Simon project and then started working through from there and creating functions to keep my code as DRY as possible.

Flowchart from original jQuery attempt

Still a couple things I need to take care of (like responsiveness for desktops) but all of that can be done after this challenge!



Aaron Massey

Stackin' things fully. Currently knocking out 100 algorithms. Check me out https://github.com/aaronmassey45