The Wooden Mirror

Aaron H
1 min readMay 23, 2016


This article has been moved to a new more permanent location.


At this beautiful little farm-house resort, where a wedding reception was being held, there was a sign.

It read “I hope you dance.” Full stop.

This sign was prominently displayed in the common room, near the kitchen, so I passed by it many times; every time I saw it, the voice in my head read it differently.

“I hope you dance.”

“I hope you ‘dance’.”

Sometimes it was read like Aubrey Plaza as April on Parks & Recreation, other times like Patrick from Spongebob Squarepants. The version I would hear most often, internally, was kind of snarky, like Wayne Campbell from Wayne’s World.

I had some of my peers notice the sign and asked them to read it aloud. Everyone had a slightly different way of reading it. Some were hopeful, others sarcastic. Each person interpreted such a simple phrase in so many different ways.

What would other people think?

Continue reading at the new location.



Aaron H

In photo above, you can’t see it, but I am holding a small bunny.