How to setup python-base and teacher-ui-react

Aaron Rosen
Oct 10, 2022


Hello Everyone,

Here is a short instructions on how to setup python-base and teacher-ui-react products.

Go to login with the following creds:


password: 1234AARONROSEN

Add your ssh public key to this gitlab account.

Get the source codes and setup:

git clone

cd python-base

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate (For MACOS / Linux) OR venv\Scripts\activate (For Windows)
pip install -r requirements.txt

Start local postgres database:has_table

sudo bash scripts/

python codes/ migrate

python codes/ runserver

Setting up teacher-ui-react

git clone

cd teacher-ui-react

npm install

npm start



Aaron Rosen

OpenStack Hacker Neutron/Congress Core developer, part time world traveler and experience seeking addict.