Aaron Paul Pasarin
13 min readFeb 26, 2019

Humanities and Social Science in this strand may open your eyes whats happening to our society. I choose this strand because I dedicate myself to help and I want to serve our country. People who choose this strand are spiring to become the future shaper’s of this nation that will build progress and deal with a lot of life. “HUMANISTA” is the term who will taking HUMSS strand. Humanities and Social sciences deals with studying the diversity of human behaviours and interaction in social, cultural,environmental,economic and political contexts. In this strand you will encounter the future lawyer, teacher, police, politician, writer and etc. This strand will help you to enhance your speaking skills. Humanista is good in arguments because in this strand there are non stop debates you will encounter. I, as a HUMSS student I will recommend this to you to choose this strand because it will helps you to boost your confidence and show your hidden talents. Humanista is the future servant of our country. It is not about what you choose, it’s about your willingness and dedication to pursue it.

The word HUMSS stands for humanities and social sciences. humanities are those disciplines that investigate the human condition, using primarily analytical, critical, or speculative methods. the social sciences are fields of study that may involve more empirical methods to consider society and human behavior, including anthropology, education, linguistics, political science annd international relations, sociology, geography, law and psychology.

I, as a HUMSS student I will recommend this to you to choose this strand because it will helps you to boost your confidence and show your hidden talents. Humanista is the future servant of our country. It is not about what you choose, it’s about your willingness and dedication to pursue it. Humanities and Social Science in this strand may open your eyes whats happening to our society. I choose this strand because I dedicate myself to help and I want to serve our country. People who choose this strand are spiring to become the future shapers of this nation that will build progress and deal with a lot of life. “HUMANISTA” is the term who will taking HUMSS strand. Humanities and Social sciences deals with studying the diversity of human behaviours and interaction in social, cultural,environmental,economic and political contexts. In this strand you will encounter the future lawyer, teacher, police, politician, writer and etc. This strand will help you to enhance your speakining skills. Humanista is good in arguments because in this strand there are non stop debates you will encounter. I, as a HUMSS student I will recommend this to you to choose this strand because it will helps you to boost your confidence and show your hidden talents. Humanista is the future servant of our country. It is not about what you choose, it’s about your willingness and dedication to pursue it.

The advantage of taking HUMSS strand.

What is the advantage of taking HUMSS strand? One of the advantage of taking this strand is that, your strand is that your speaking skills will enhance and this strand you can build and boost your self confidence. Many of the teenagers are lack in communication and become introvert. In this strand will help you to communicate and build your confidence. In HUMSS strand there are many activities that will help you to be more active and communicate to others. HUMSS strand revolves around improving the students reading, writing ang speaking skills. As a Humss student I will experienced many struggles and barriers but still I will choose to pursue and continue. This strand will help me to find my hidden talent like ni acting. I will become a best actress in film held in our school.

This advantages will help you to become more competitive to finish your career. This is only the advantage try to explore the HUMSS world and find the answer by yourself.
What is the advantage of taking HUMSS strand? One of the advantage of taking this strand is that, your strand is that your speaking skills will enhance and this strand you can build and boost your self confidence. Many of the teenagers are lack in communication and become introvert. In this strand will help you to communicate and build your confidence. In HUMSS strand there are many activities that will help you to be more active and communicate to others. HUMSS strand revolves around improving the students reading, writing ang speaking skills. As a Humss student I will experienced many struggles and barriers but still I will choose to pursue and continue. This strand will help me to find my hidden talent like ni acting. I will become a best actress in film held in our school. This advantages will help you to become more competitive to finish your career. This is only the advantage try to explore the HUMSS world and find the answer by yourself..

Why I choose HUMSS as my strand?

In this strand theres a lot of exploration you will encounter. I choose this strand because the course I want to take in college is inside here. There are many course that this strand will recommend you like Broadcast journalism, Criminology, Economics, Education, Foreign language, History, Humanities, Journalism, Law, Literature, Mass Communication, Philosphy, Military Science, Psychology and many more. This is more in communicating people and serve your country. This strand will enhance you in terms of communication skills and you wil learn how to communicate properly. This strand will taught the students about their rights as human and part of the society without abusing it because in this strand you will learn about your rights and laws without abusing it. In this strand you will come up wise decision and of course in good decisions. There a lot of activities and performances that will help you to overcome your fear, will boost your confidence and show your undiscovered talents. Don’t choose HUMSS because your friends told you, Don’t choose HUMSS because your parents suggest you. Choose HUMSS because you are brave enough to accept the challenges of being HUMANISTA.


I saw a post on facebook saying that HUMSS is easy. There’s a lot of critcism and strand shaming that other stand degrading HUMSS strand. But if you put put your shoes into my shoes as humanista you would say that HUMSS is not easy. In this strand you will use your playful imagination to create poems and creative story, you create many plot twists so that your readers get the attention and will not be bored. Visualizing things others eye cant see and you need to have a wide perception about happenings in our society. You need to to pass and do a performance task at the same time. Stand in front of many people. Non stop arguing because of debate. But other stand classify this strand as the basic strand. Despite the efforts to put an end to it once and for all, some habits are hard to kill. Arguing which strand should be the next and competent among the others.

It dosen’t matter what path will you going to choose, it is about your dedicatiob and willingness. It is not about your skills, its about choosing a road suitable for your unique self. HUMSS KA LANG? Yes I am humanista and I proud to say it and it shouldn’t be called as “lang” and should be, “WOW HUMSS KA?”


As a HUMSS student I encounter the social issues. We open our eyes whats happening in our society. One of the social issue in the Philippine is poverty. Poverty is a social problem with the fact that most of the people have limited economic resources and their standard of living is low. Many Filipino suffered from this because of corrupt politician, poor government, self discipline, lack of resources, over population and inflation. These days many undergraduate is hard to find job, they work in abroad to provide the needs of their family. Some of them commit mistakes to survive.

If government find a solution to this step by step, soon our country will become a developed country. Our country will be progress and no Filipino will take away to their families.

Vote Buying

In this strand strand some of taking this our the future politicians. So we need to discuss this because the election is coming. Some politicians are buying the vote of the people inside the community. I take this opportunity to say my opinion. If we continue this system our country is nothing to happen. The corrupt politician will continue his/her wrong doings. Many people become more poor and the poverty would not be give the appropriate solution that we need.

Every vote will help to develop our country to be a good nation so that the next generation will have a good government. Vote wise, choose wise so that our country get success.
In this strand strand some of taking this our the future politicians. So we need to discuss this because the election is coming. Some politicians are buying the vote of the people inside the community. I take this opportunity to say my opinion. If we continue this system our country is nothing to happen. The corrupt politician will continue his/her wrong doings. Many people become more poor and the poverty would not be give the appropriate solution that we need.

Every vote will help to develop our country to be a good nation so that the next generation will have a good government. Vote wise, choose wise so that our country get success.

What can we expect in HUMSS strand?

HUMSS strand has been the most in-demand strand in SHS for it has been chosen for most students who are an aspiring public servants. Let me discuss to you the things that you might expect about the holistic aspect of HUMSS. HUMSS are most intended for the students who are curious-minded. Some might see this strand as boring because of it’s specializations. But if you’re constantly curious about your surroundings, what you expect here in this strand is what you’ll get. I do believe that curiosity may have killed the cat, but it was the satisfaction that brought it back. Another thing is that, writing will become as your hobby. HUMSS students are expected to read and write a lot than the other students in different strands. We will or you will learn further on how to write poetry, fiction and other related literatures. We are indeed writers at heart. In addition to that, the careers that will be chosen in this strand will become so successful for it can be somewhat like journalists, news casters, politicians, lawyers, teachers and other public servant jobs alike. This will guarantee you a bright future, a brighter future. That’s why HUMSS student are named “True-blue Millennial.” because of their dedication to serve the public and to serve for our nation.

Humanista, an epitome of a good articulator

We are all aware that HUMSS is a track intended and aligned for the students who are really socially inclined. They are the people who can stand for the crowd, who has a good communication skills, can articulate well and socialize well. Being here in this kind of strand gave me courage to pursue my dream. I really dream of being a fire woman someday, and that I thought that this strand will surely fit me well. Being a Humanista is the epitome of being a good articulator because we’ve been trained of being a social person which we can use for our future jobs. Many people mostly thought us for being a public servant and that’s indeed correct. We’re aligned to this strand to be the future’s voice of our country. We are ready to take on the world and talk to a lot of people. We will be the voice that will speak out what the people would say. We are called the “influence speaker”. Our strand is designed for those who wonder what is on the other side of the wall, this taught us of being naturally curious. Our strand is capable of improving our communication skills and self-confidence when we’re in front of many people. We are the silver-tongued students that our country needs in the future and we will continue using the platform of being a Humanista for being an example for everyone that there’s nothing wrong in expressing your thoughts using communication because it’ll be the one who’ll help you achieving your goals and reaching your dreams.

Benefits of taking humss strand

There are many benefits in taking HUMSS strand. You will be globally competent, you will be college ready and you will learn to communicate effectively. If you take this strand many course in college you will choose. Many work will offer to you because we are the future servant. The HUMSS strand revolves around improving the students reading, writing and one of the benefit of this is your speaking skills will enhance and your it will help you to boost your confidence. People choose this strand because they are aspiring member of the society that will help their fellow. And this strand there is no Math or science subject but does not mean this is easy. You will read so much articles and defend it. This are the some that you will benefit if you take HUMSS strand. As you can see we are the future servant of our country. You will become discipline and aware about the issues of your society. This is only a benefit try to explore by yourself and enjoy being humanista.

Does college graduates really are the ones whose most likely to have a successful career?

Having a college degree does not mean you are become successful in your life. Many successful people now a days did’nt take school, but look now they are successful. Manny Pacman is the best example for this he did not take school because before his family cant afford, yet he is now a successful boxer and famous in the world and a millionaire. Many celebrities was accidentally discovered and now a famous actor/actress, buissnesman and etc. You are the one who will responsible to choose your path. If you have a strong determination and courage to pursue your dreams nothing is impossible.

Being a college graduate is one of the step to reach your goals. Think outside it he box and explore more. Don’t settle for what you learn try to discover more things. “ A journey for a thousand miles begin in a single steps” -unknown

Teenage pregnancy

I watch a news in 24 oras and there’s a report that made me feel pitty. The teenager in South Cotobato throw his baby outside the hospital and lucky to say that the baby is safe and DSWD take care of the baby. Teenage pregnancy also known as adolescent pregnancy is the pregnancy under the age of 20. The case of teenage pregnancy will continously increasing and it is very alarming. Many teenagers is lack of education about sex they’re confuse that’s why they try it. Using contraceptives is not a solution for this but the guidance of the guardian and the parents is a must.

Dont settle for your decision that will affect your future. As a teenager try to listen the guidance of your parents. As a HUMSS student I will aware from this because we debate about this in our subject in Philosophy.

I am grade 12 ready

As a grade 11 HUMSS student I am looking forward what will happen when I’m in grade 12. It will become easy? or will be more difficult?. Some grade 12 students says that there is no Math subject in grade 12 and I’m so happy about this because I’m not good in solving. But as a humanista I prepared myself so that I will become a grade 12 ready. I am very excited for what will happen next school year because I see a grade 12 students that’s stress and at the same time enjoying what they do. As a humanista I will become more competitive and participate every events.

I will enjoy every moment of being humanista because next school year is the last year that the moment I will wait for so long. I will treasured and cherish every single day as a humanista and I will say that “Yes I will finally survived the challenge of being a humss student”. I will fight for my dreams and never say no until I reach it.


In taking this strand you need a lot of motivation from your friends, why? Because in this strand there’s a lot of activities, performance task, essays, articles and many more. Sometimes you think to surrender and to quit so you need a motivation to your friends and to your parents. In this time i felt empty because there’s a lot of paper works and I don’t know how to start all of this. One of my friends send me a motivation and help me and I’m so thankful to have this friend even though we’re not close in person. Motivation will help you to continue and feed your mind with positive vibes.

As a HUMSS student try to not quit and continue what you will start. See yourself in the future that succesfull. Always see what you started and the struggles that you overcome. Pray and trust God this is the only things that will hold you in times you feel lose.

Reading is life.

In this strand reading is become part of your life. This strand will give you a lot of articles, news and magazine to read. You will use your playful imagination and creativity to create a plots to your story. My teacher in practical research says that “ As a Humanista you are must to read and to read and to read because it will widen your knowledge and gain so much more” and I think reading is very important. And this reading will help me as humanista because as humss student we are good in communicating thats why I need to gain a fact information that I will share in others. Reading is powerful because if you read you can gain information and this is your advantage among others. Every teacher said that “Dont just read try to analyze” and this words will always inside my mind.

Q and A

I watched a Miss Q and A in Showtime at ABS CBN and in their segment there is a question saying that “Sino ba ang dapat mag tanong ang estudyante o ang guro?”. For me in this case I will choose for the teacher because if the teacher ask you what you learn try to share even small ideas inside your mind so that your classmates will also learn. This is about give and take information inside the classroom, let your learnings speak and dont be shy too approach your teacher. As a Humss student many says that humanista is good in communicating and in speaking skillss I will take this opportunity to give my opinion.

Sharing your learnings will help others dont let your information stock in your head, broadcast it. Dont be shy you have a wings to spread.

