A path in the weeds

3 min readDec 13, 2019


finding another way around, the first time, it was as if i was blinded, the colors oh so beautiful, so lively, everywhere, warm and happy, inviting to look at, easy on the eyes, and always teasing me of their infinite beauty. when it seemed all at once so clear, the colors of life, so invigorating and crisp. the haze that covered the pupils of my eyes, was gone as if it was like the first time the sun kissed them with her light. i guess you could say i could see with a “new light”. The blue hues of deep sapphire, the clouds as if they were painted in the sky, painted there for all eternity as they moved ever so slowly. oh what a gem the open sky is, ever reaching, more and more. reaching across the what seems to be never ending horizon. all there is to follow is the smallest path in front of you, each foot in front of the other crunching, slipping. you day dream about what you think the trail will look like “just over that ridge.” You catch a glimpse of a green tinge, blades of grass flowing in the wind bringing you back to earth. it feels like with each step your body becomes more weightless and the never ending longing of wanting to be spirited away by nature is fulfilled, but only for a split second, and you propel forward on the path in front of you.

the purple and yellow hue of the flowers below you, ever so watchful of your footsteps, rise in beauty towards the sun. momentary beauty in a world that is always moving so fast. a mere chance to be seen by anything, or anybody, oh so lucky that in this moment this beautiful miracle of nature, a flower is growing with such gracefulness and ease. growing for themselves, growing to be part of a larger beauty, growing for the benefit of other plants and animals, always moving to the light and you begin to wonder “where am i growing, and in what direction?” step after step you think about the flower and realizing that it’s still growing, but all the beauty is still present and that it is living in the moment, as the path disappears around a hill you understand its not about how fast you “grow” but that you are trying to grow and be beautiful at the same time and that life is beautiful in the moment.

the air begins to get the musty sweet smell of water dropplets from miles away. the light and welcoming green of trees and grass turn into dark green, their limbs not being blessed by the sun. you look up into the enormous show of beauty above as storm clouds hang in the sky ever so daunting, stacking up. closing in on each other shaking and pounding at the sky to let them downpour. the clouds roll across the ever darkening sky, the thunder slaps against your ears. you breath and soak in the beauty of the storm around you, and it is breathtaking, the grandeur of the clouds and trees, as you realize the plants praise the rains and love the sound of thunder because like you, they need the refreshening downpour of cleansing to rinse and feed their thirsts and souls. They hear the thunder and the wishing of the cool breeze, and they accept the rain along with its beauty.

