3 Top Backup Plugins For Your WordPress Website

aaron russ
8 min readSep 10, 2020


Our websites have become one of the integral parts of our business nowadays. No matter what you want to do — connect with your audience, capture their feedback or show them your products, a website is always up for the job. And when something is that important for your business, it needs to be treated with utmost attention and care too. There are many ways to protect your website from going into the wrong hands or getting it restored when something goes wrong. First off, you need to install and activate a backup plugin on your WordPress website.

Now when we talk about backup plugins, there are multiple options available on the market. Some lack premium features while others are abundant in that. Let’s not forget that what we expect from a good backup plugin at the end of the day. We want it to store multiple copies of our website, use less server resources, offer offsite storage and a flexible backup schedule. That’s not all, modern day backup plugins also provide security features and web hosting.

So, let’s compare some of the best WordPress backup plugins and see which one is the most suitable for you. But before we begin, I would like to give you a short introduction of our web design Los Angeles company that offers web design, web development, and website maintenance services according to your need and demands. Apart from this, if you need website optimization, content marketing, or online advertising, you can also contact our company SFWP Experts for that.

With that complete, let’s see what are the powerful WordPress backup plugins that your site needs:

3 WordPress Backup Plugins To Restore Your Site Easily

1. BlogVault

BlogVault is an excellent WordPress backup plugin that is used by more than 400,000 sites all over the world. It is also known for its website management ability that helps you run your site smoothly and easily. Aside from this, what many people don’t know is that it is also helpful in securing your WordPres website using a firewall and malware removal system.

As far as other features of this plugin goes, it has:

  • Zero-Load Backups — The main purpose of such backup is to not affect the performance of your website when your site is getting backed up. The whole backup operation is performed through BlogVault’s own server, not yours.
  • Offsite Backups — This backup feature stores a copy of your site on the BlogVault as well as Amazon S3 server. So, whenever something goes wrong, you can access your backup and restore your site easily.
  • Incremental Backup — This type of backup is very useful from the standpoint of quick restoration of your site. It backs up your site only once and then whatever the changes you will make thereafter will only get backed up.

Now let’s move to its pricing part and see how much it costs:

Price: The usage license for BlogVault plugin comes at $89/year for a single site. However, if you want to use this plugin for more sites you need to choose bigger plans.

Besides this, they offer a 30-day refund policy if the plugin isn’t able to do its job.

In case you want to buy the whole website maintenance package including backup, hosting, and bugs fixing, get into conversation with our Wordpress website design professionals straight away.

2. Jetpack Backup

Jetpack is a popular WordPress backup plugin that is being used by over 5 million sites in the world. Apart from storing a backup of your site, it also offers a wide range of features for optimizing and securing your website. The good news is that you can enable or disable those features based on your own requirements too.

Now let’s take a deeper look at the backup features of this plugin:

  • Offsite Backups — This plugin stores your backup on Jetpack’s own server. This helps you to save space as well as use lesser server resources.
  • Incremental Backups — It works just like BlogVault to speed up the process of your site backup. Once your site is backed up by this plugin, then only the changes you make thereafter will be stored on its server.
  • Flexible Backup Schedule — While your site is backed up daily automatically, you can take full control in your hands as well if you want. You can decide when you want to backup your site and when not. However, if you want to have Real-time backup features, you will have to purchase higher category plans.

Price: To have Jetpack as your backup plugin, you need to pay $3/month or $30/year. It also comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee that you will get when the plugin fails to perform its key operations.

Is your site too large? Don’t you know which backup plugin will be perfect for you? Connect with our Los Angeles web design company now and we will provide you an immediate solution.

3. UpdraftPlus

UpdraftPlus is a powerful WordPress backup plugin that has more than 2 million site users across the globe. The specialty of this plugin is that you get full-site backup even in the free version. And if you want to leverage incremental backups, you will have to choose high-tier plans that also come with a bunch of additional features.

Here are the key features you get in UpdraftPlus:

  • Incremental Backups — While this plugin backups your whole site by default, you can enable the incremental backup feature if you want. By using incremental backup feature you will be able to reduce the server load since it backups only the changes after your site gets backed up once.
  • Flexible Backup Schedule — This kind of backup allows you to set the backup schedule as you want. For example, if you want to backup your site hourly or monthly or even weekly for that matter, you can do that with this plugin. The good part is you can create manual backups as well if automatic backup is not your choice.
  • 1-Click Restore Option — Probably the best feature this plugin has got is the ability to restore your site with just one click. What’s more, you can restore your site through its own dashboard even when you are not able to access your site. Note that you get your own dashboard in the premium version only.

Prices: The pricing pattern of this particular plugin is a little bit different from what you may have seen till now. If you don’t have an issue with backups stored on your own server or any third-party storage services, the free version should fit your bill.

But when it comes to the premium version, you get the additional features in two ways. Either you purchase each feature separately or access all of them in the premium license. To purchase each add-on you will have to pay $15/year for most of them. And if you want to take its premium plan you will have to pay $75 for the first year and $42 from the next year. What’s nice about this plugin is that you get the license for two sites unlike one in other plugins.

And if the plugin could not perform its task due to any unsolvable technical issue, you will get the refunds soon. But the condition is that the issue must show up within 10 days after buying the license.

In case there are some specific features that you want your backup plugin to have, consult with our Wordpress developer experts team and we will tell you what you should choose.

Final Thoughts

While you may want to avail all the resources for your business based on your budget, choosing a backup plugin for your site is not the decision you should make that way. It’s best to choose one that guarantees to recover your data ASAP when it is lost. From my point of view BlogVault is the finest plugin on this list that takes care of your website information as well as backup needs very well. But if you want to use a free plugin being a beginner, you should pick UpdraftPlus without a doubt. At the end of the day what matters is how quickly you can make your site up and running after it’s crashed.

Do you have any questions about WordPress backup plugins? Drop it in the comments below! Besides this, if you need any web design, web development, or website hosting services, don’t have a second thought in giving SFWP Experts a call. Our web design company in Los Angeles is committed to provide highest quality services to startups, enterprise, and small and medium sized businesses. Be informed that we also offer SEO, online marketing, content marketing, social media management, and other result-oriented services to grow your sales.

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aaron russ

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