Three Reasons Banning Guns Will Not Work

This argument has been a long time running, and yet both sides ignore common sense on the issue.

A M Sawyer
5 min readOct 13, 2019
Image courtesy of shutterstock

A harsh reality on the world is gun violence. Whether it’s a random shooting on a city street, or a nation in the grips of civil war, gun violence is a plague that claims unspeakable horrors throughout the world. Many regions and countries have taken actions to ban these weapons from the public, and some claim that it’s working. The fact is however, it’s all a lie.

The reality of guns is that they span the entire world. Anyone that says they can successfully ban these weapons are wrong. True, gun control and bans can reduce the amount of gun violence in an area. It can also lead to a runaway insurgence of violence that authorities cannot contain. It’s a risk, and the only people affected by gun control are the people whom obey the laws. They’re the ones that will give up their weapons, and they’re likely the ones to get gunned down by those who choose to ignore the laws. Here are three reasons why banning guns will never work, anywhere in the world.

Outside Influence: The fact is, the only way to successfully ban weapons is to do it worldwide. Guns are made in multiple countries in all parts of the globe. Banning weapons in one area simply cannot work as long as there are people willing to break the law. They can either go to where guns are still legal and buy them, or have someone bring them into the gun free zone. Worse yet, many areas that ban guns still allow for law enforcement to carry. This presents a dangerous opportunity to those sadistic enough to entrap the police to obtain weapons.

Where you have the most armed citizens in America, you have the lowest violent crime rate. Where you have the worst gun control, you have the highest crime rate. Ted Nugent

A perfect example of this problem is the city of Chicago. A long time gun free zone within the city, it houses some of the worst gun violence in recent years. Despite all attempts to stop the gun running, it still remains a rising problem within several parts of the city. The United States has a public ban on fully automatic assault weapons, and yet, every year there are cases of violence reported around the country. No matter the place, if there are people willing to break the law, it becomes impossible to keep guns out of a gun free zone.

Criminals Don’t Obey Laws: As stated above, people willing to break laws can bring weapons illegally into any gun free zone. No matter the restrictions or limitations on weapons, criminals will find a way to get one. In fact, many weapons used in crimes are actually stolen property. It’s hard to maintain control if they’re obtained illegally. Even with walls and other barriers, they haven’t prevented guns from coming up through Mexico, despite their best efforts. These guns have been linked to violence as far north as Flint, Michigan.

You can have all the gun control laws in the country, but if you don’t enforce them, people are going to find a way to protect themselves. We need to recognize that bad people are doing bad things with these weapons. It’s not the law-abiding citizens, it’s not the person who uses it as a hobby. Michael Steele

The question is, should we allow people to legally own guns? If criminals can obtain weapons despite gun laws, than law abiding citizens have every right to keep weapons. The big issue is that legal gun owners need to be responsible for their weapons. There is nothing that guarantees someone won’t steal a gun from you, but there are steps to make that theft difficult. These steps, which include keeping ammo stored separately and immediately reporting the theft, can keep a legal weapon from being used illegally.

Making Weapons: This isn’t a common issue at the moment, as it’s easier to illegally obtain weapons. However, there are still plenty of people throughout the world that have the ability to make a firearm. They may not be the guns we’ve come to understand, but they can still do some damage. I’ve seen a weapon made using manure, a pipe and nails as the projectile. All it takes is the wrong person that possesses the creativity and ingenuity to make a powerful homemade weapon.

If you want to understand the futility of banning weapons, look at the Oklahoma City Bombing or the School Bombing in Michigan. These were done using basic materials we can find on any farmland anywhere in the world. Although assault weapons aren’t exactly easy to make, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. After all, one of the biggest problems in the modern world is how much we underestimate those willing to kill.

The fact is, there are several other reasons why banning guns and other weapons will never work. However, laws in support of legal gun ownership can go a long way. I will never say that gun control to an extent is a bad thing, but they always tend to overreach. Banning weapons from people legally obtaining them won’t prevent those that wish to illegally do it. It’s like Prohibition in the United States, there was no way it would actually work. This hasn’t prevented claims around the globe that weapons should be banned. In fact, people use horrible acts committed by criminals as justification for creating these bans.

There’d never been a more advantageous time to be a criminal in America than during the 13 years of Prohibition. At a stroke, the American government closed down the fifth largest industry in the United States — alcohol production — and just handed it to criminals — a pretty remarkable thing to do. Bill Bryson

Unless the world is willing to give up weapons, there can be no successful bans anywhere criminals work. The reality is, not one nation has chosen to abolish weapons completely within their borders. Even ones that choose neutrality have weapons in some compactly. Until that changes, there can be no such thing as a successful gun free zone.



A M Sawyer

Life in perspective, but reality in doubt. Sense is all but common, figure it out. The spectrum grows, yet in denial. Writing the truth, reality worth while.