7 brutally honest reasons why you’re still single

Aaron Zhu
5 min readSep 5, 2018
“brown and white cat in shallow focus shot” by FuYong Hua on Unsplash

Let’s be brutally honest. Life isn’t out to get you; you are where you are because of the choices you make every day. Things happen that are completely out of your control, but if there is a chronically recurring problem in your life, then it’s time to seriously reevaluate who you are. There’s a reason why you’re single and as much as I hate to admit it, your relationship status is mostly within your control. At the very least, there is a whole lot you can do to dramatically increase your chances of meeting someone.

This isn’t some guide that will save you from the single life; I wish that guide existed because I could totally use it. However, in some ways, this is better, it’s a list of reasons that will help you delve deep into your inner psyche to provide perspectives to why you’re single that you may have never considered.

1) You don’t go out much

I am so sorry to my fellow introverts for dropping this bomb, but if you want to better your chances of escaping the single life, you’re going to have to go out and meet a bunch of people. Finding a relationship is a lot like finding a job in this aspect because you have to go out, build a network, plant seeds, and follow up. Sadly, potential partners aren’t going to magically materialize in front of you as you’re sitting in your room reading or…



Aaron Zhu

Life is all about transforming your negatives into positives. NYC based. Feel free to contact me at: AaronZhu96@gmail.com Follow me on Instagram:@aaronzhu9