How to Create a Digital marketing resume for freshers in 2021 — Everything you need to know

7 min readSep 11, 2021


People often believe that a resume is just the beginning step that leads to an interview call but creating a perfect Digital marketing resume for freshers or a digital marketing cv for freshers needs depth information and research. What most people fail to notice is that it’s so much more. It’s the document that promotes you as a creator; it showcases & sells your skills and assets in an effective manner. If you want to be a digital marketer, your employer would definitely want to see how you market yourself first, so as to take a gamble on how you’ll promote their business.

As a fresher, it can be quite overwhelming to have the perfect resume and understandably so. Don’t worry, we’re here to tell you just how to go ahead and make a resume that helps you stand out from the crowd.

Let’s get started By Creating Digital marketing resume for freshers & Managers:

  1. Choose the right layout

Typically, a digital marketing resume for freshers goes into your details starting from your objective and work experience to your skillset and qualifications.

Now, if you are a fresher with no experience you should try going for a simple and more infographic resume, which focuses on your education and skills given the lack of work experience. It is best to keep it limited to a single page and make it crisp and concise.

Infographic resume template by Canva

Online marketing also deals with aesthetics and visual appeal indirectly, so you should also keep a specific colour scheme in mind in accordance with the type of work you’re looking for. For example, if you’re trying to make a name for yourself in the social media marketing world then it makes sense for you to use catchy popping colours in the borders or just some nice patterns near the header or sidelines.

If you have experience then definitely focus oh highlighting that in your resume before other things. Also, now that we have a fair idea about what section goes where, let’s have a look at the content of the same.

  1. Content:
  2. Header

Keep in mind that a hiring manager receives a good number of resumes every day, so you need to make sure that your header is catchy enough to hold their attention.

The header will have your name and the profession you identify with. Try and experiment with the title. To give you an idea, don’t “Adword & HubSpot certified digital marketing expert” sound more interesting than the usual “Digital Marketing specialist”? Digital marketing resume for freshers.

Also, in case you don’t want to add the Contact info section in your resume, you’ll have to include that information below your title. Make sure to have your phone number, email ID, address and links to your professional profiles (like your LinkedIn profile, or your portfolio website).

  1. Compelling objective

This is the topic that comes right after the header. This is the short summary that’ll talk about your career objectives and why you should be hired for the part.

Everyone knows that you’re “ready to work hard” and want “professional and personal growth” so try and refrain from the boring mambo jumbo that has been passing around over the years. Everyone says things like these and it’ll just make you come across as a herder instead of a creator for original pieces.

What you should do is be honest about what you’re looking for in the company you want to work with and what is it that makes you a good fit for the job. Keep in mind that this is the best place for you to describe yourself as a professional. Feel free to use adjectives and stats to add weight to whatever you’re mentioning.

A boring poorly written summary:

I’m a digital marketing specialist who has worked in all areas of the marketing world. I’m a hard and dedicated worker who aims to work at an organization that will help me grow professionally as well as personally by creating a Digital marketing resume for freshers & mangers.

A catchy well written summary:

Seasoned marketing expert with X+ years of experience, all set to come up with strategies focused around SEO, email marketing and content development for small to medium sized E-commerce organizations. I’ve had a successful history of providing organic growth upto Y% through link building plans and social media promotions.

Do you see the main difference here? Specificity is the key.

  1. Educational background

This is a section that you can mention in a brief manner or elaborate depending on the rest of the sections you’re planning on include. To be more clear, you don’t have to go too much into details about your educational qualification if you have more to tell via your Work Experience and Projects undertaken sections.

In case you don’t have work experience, make it a point to mention your certifications and courses that might aid you in getting the job. Even though not necessary, it’s always good to have an online marketing course on your belt to make you look like a promising candidate.

Also, with the lockdown going on, you can actually take up online courses that’ll help you in securing a place in this industry. We have an article coming up on this soon, till then feel free to browse through our Advanced Digital Marketing course over here at Mastercoach!

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

  1. Skills and achievements

This is the most important section for a fresher, given the lack of work experience. You should include all skills you have, and show people why you’d be a good fit for the job role.

Some skills that bode well for online marketing are:

  • Paid ads
  • SEO
  • Social media
  • Communication (written and spoken)
  • Mobile marketing
  • Strategic planning
  • Writing
  • Design
  • Google analytics
  • Facebook ads
  • Google ads
  • LinkedIn ads
  • Email marketing tools
  • Photoshop
  • Zapier
  • Google Tag Manager

Mention the skills best suited for your job profile- top 5 or top 10 depending on how long you want this section to be. You could also use a star system or bars to show your proficiency in a certain skill.

  1. Experience

Now when it comes to work experience there is a specific format for it. You need to go this way:

  • Job role/Profile
  • Name of the Company
  • Duration of the job & Location
  • Key Responsibilities and highlights

As simple as it sounds, try to highlight the work you did for the company and how it benefited them. A plain work experience is again a boring and dull concept, so you’ll get an edge by mentioning your achievements in the form of your results. This can leave a greater impact on recruiters and increases your chances of landing the job to a great extent.

Example of Digital marketing resume for freshers & Manager:

Also, what to do if you have zero experience? No need to panic! You can skip the section altogether and focus more on your education and skills.

Another good alternative would be to introduce a “Projects undertaken” section to list down the work you’ve done. Even if you haven’t worked professionally with an employer before, you can always make a portfolio online or publish your work/creations on other websites. Just mention the details of those and provide relevant links, and you’re good to go!

  1. Contact info & references

Contact details are very important and can be mentioned as a separate section, or with the header itself. Gone are the days when mobile numbers and addresses did the job, so be sure to keep up with the time and include links to your professional accounts, portfolio sites and/or social media handles if relevant.

References are subjectively important and may or may not be included. If you’re applying for a formal job then it’d be helpful to have 1 or 2 references to vouch for your capabilities and performance.

  1. How to land a job/project with no experience

Photo by Burst from Pexels

It is obviously difficult to sway a job in your favor when you don’t have any work experience in the field, but it’s not impossible.

First off the bat, avoid applying to any jobs requiring work experience in the hopes of squeezing your way in, because dishonesty is never the right option. Besides, there are plenty of opportunities for freshers out there, so you needn’t worry.

To start off your journey in the digital marketing world, it might help to take up smaller projects and internships initially before moving on to heavier roles, so that you have ample learning and knowledge to support your future performance.

Remember, all work is good work.

