Setting Up SSH for AWS and GCP VMs: A Step-by-Step Guide

Andi Ashari
2 min readSep 30, 2023


Setting Up SSH for AWS and GCP VMs: A Step-by-Step Guide

Secure SHell (SSH) provides a way to safely connect and interact with remote servers, such as VMs on AWS and GCP. Here’s a simple and straightforward guide to set up SSH.

Understanding SSH:

SSH uses a key-pair mechanism for security:

  • Public Key: Shared with the server. It’s like a mailbox exterior where people can drop messages but can’t read its contents.
  • Private Key: Kept private on your device. It’s the key to the mailbox, allowing you to read the messages.

Setting Up SSH:

1. Generate the SSH Key Pair

On your local computer, open the terminal:

ssh-keygen -t rsa

By default, this will produce two files in the ~/.ssh/ folder:

  • id_rsa: Private Key
  • Public Key

2. Retrieve the Public Key

To display your public key:

cat ~/.ssh/

Copy its content. We’ll use it soon.

3. Access Your VM on AWS or GCP


  • Go to the GCP Console.
  • Find your VM instance.
  • Click “SSH” to open its terminal.


  • Head to the AWS Console.
  • Locate your VM instance.
  • Press “Connect” for connection instructions.

4. Set Up a New User (Optional)

If you’d like a specific user for SSH:

sudo adduser andi
sudo usermod -aG sudo andi

This creates a user named ‘andi’ and grants them superuser permissions.

5. Install the Public Key on the VM

Switch to the user (if you made one) and set up the SSH folder:

su - andi
mkdir ~/.ssh && nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Paste your public key into this file and set up the right permissions:

chmod 700 ~/.ssh
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

6. Open the SSH Port

To SSH into the VM, port 22 must be open:


  • In the AWS Console, find “Security Groups” under the EC2 Dashboard.
  • Choose the VM’s security group.
  • Go to “Inbound”, click “Edit” and then “Add Rule”.
  • Set Type to SSH, Port Range to 22.
  • For Source, input or specific IPs you trust.


  • In the GCP Console, select “Firewall” under “VPC network”.
  • Click “Create Firewall Rule”.
  • Name it, and set Targets to “Specified target tags”, and add tag: allow-internet-ssh.
  • Set Source IP ranges as or your IPs.
  • For protocols and ports, input tcp:22.

Then, tag your VM with allow-internet-ssh to apply the rule.

7. SSH from Your Local Machine

Use the following command:


Replace YOUR_VM_PUBLIC_IP with your VM’s public IP. You should now access your VM without needing a password.

Wrapping Up:

SSH provides a secure method to communicate with remote servers. With your keys set up, you have a private channel to your VM, ensuring both confidentiality and security. Now, you’re ready to manage your AWS or GCP VM securely through SSH!



Andi Ashari

Tech Wanderer, Passionate about Innovation and Deeply Expertised in Technology. Actively Redefining the Digital Landscape Through Cutting-Edge Solutions.