Easy To Create Snackable Social Media Content

Fill Your Content Calendar with these Snackable Social Media Content

Aayushi Rachana
7 min readFeb 3, 2022
Content is the bridge between you and your audience. Remember it!

Social media is a tricky business. As a marketer, you know that you need to keep creating a dump of good performing content to keep your audience engaged and attract new people on your page.

Unlike what the notion goes, you do not always need to think outside the box to create these snackable social media content. You just need to factor in the outliers, keep a keen eye on the affinity of your audience and present in the form of the winning real estates.

Everyone who has worked on social media, knows that it’s easier said than done. In this blog, But is it really? Or are we blinded by the content saturation on the social media platforms that we actually lose at the game? The entire game changer are the snackable content that most social media managers, although aware of, forget to make a part of their content strategy.

In the above quote, I mentioned the term snackable content. Those of you who scratched their head at this term, let me tell you what snackable social media content means.

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Snackable Social Media Content

Snackable content are the pizzas and burgers of content. That’s a great analogy, ain’t it?

To make it more straightforward and easy to understand, snackable social media content are short-form and easy to consume content. They are passively and effectively easier to gobble and share on social media. They are visually engaging, intriguing and can be posted as filler content or to support campaigns.

Now don’t go assuming that snackable content are inherently easier to create than long form content like carousels and >1 min videos. They are challenging and more often than not, are difficult to create. This is an uncharted territory for most media marketers and is a whole new ball game. What works however is that snackable social media contents have better payoff and have a more immediate and wider reach. The objective here is to:

  • offer immediate engagement.
  • prompt saves and shares.
  • start conversation around your brand.
  • attract leads.

Snackable social media contents aids this process particularly well.

The objective of creating snackable social media content is to offer immediate entertainment or enrichment, prompt social sharing, and attract new leads as a result. And certain content mediums facilitate that process particularly well. In this blog, I will be talking about the content buckets that this type of content fits in, and how can they accelerate meaningful and lucrative outcomes for your overall growth.

Also Read: 10 New Rules For Social Media That Marketers Should Know In 2022

Quote Graphics

A compelling quote is enough to capture attention. But giving it support with an aesthetic visual would work like a push up bra. It will add new dimensions to the interest that you want to capture and increase the reach.

Your quote is always the centrepiece of the dish. Double kudos to you if you are able to create something original. But a good presentation adds on to the taste, because “eye-eats-first”. Fill your quote up with visual elements, distinctive fonts and an aesthetic backdrop. And viola! You have a post that won’t fail.

If you are in the space of creator economy or passion economy, take help from your original creators on this content. This will not just be relevant to your business but also fitting to the mindset of your audience.


Memes have proven to be an effective content type. No matter who you are, if you are on social media, you have already engaged with memes. Memes are the perfect embodiment of snackable social media content as a concept. They are easy to consume, tailored to suit a specific interest, easily scrollable and extremely entertaining. If you are a meme-maker or have an ounce of humour, chances are that you will succeed at this.

Humour aside, creating memes is as delicate as it can be. Memes are blunt and extremely straightforward. Hence, with memes, marketers have to be extra cautious to not create something offensive that’s disguised as funny.

It’s a stern suggestion to understand your audience and know the degree of comfort that they share with you, before you dabble in the game of memes. Having said that, if you are able to churn out meme content that is tasteful and empathetic, you are in for a content bucket of snackable social media content that will boost your social media game.


Infographics, as a format, have existed since before the days of social media. The only difference being that they were treated as a staunch source of information in the wee days. Now they travel on the conjunction of engagement and information.

Infographics are engaging, easy to understand and resourceful. What more? They are one of the best formats of snackable social media content. Mentioned below are some examples of infographics:

How To Create Social Media Calendar With Ease

The above specified meme, fits the category of “how-to”. This category is easily devourable, shareable and saveable. Another category that you experiment with is funny infographic as mentioned below:

The Anatomy Of A Graphic Designer

The above mentioned infographic is created on the well thought out verge of humour and relatability. Such infographics cater to a particular section of your audience and procures great number of shares and comments.


Gifs are gifts given by the technology to us. They compel the viewer to share them and have the highest potential to go viral out of all the content types mentioned here. This is the reason why they are considered as great snackable social media content.

As a format, gifs are extremely versatile. They show captivating images on a loop or a snippet from your favourite series without audio. They are well suited to capture the essence of emotions and reactions.

<iframe src=”https://giphy.com/embed/SggILpMXO7Xt6" width=”480" height=”262" frameBorder=”0" class=”giphy-embed” allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href=”https://giphy.com/gifs/sblobbery-clbarrr-idzz-SggILpMXO7Xt6">via GIPHY</a></p>

<iframe src=”https://giphy.com/embed/R8dDMt8IgVvhK" width=”325" height=”480" frameBorder=”0" class=”giphy-embed” allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href=”https://giphy.com/gifs/scorpiondagger-painting-scorpiondagger-R8dDMt8IgVvhK">via GIPHY</a></p>

Gifs are a lethal weapon that can efficiently be used in marketing promotion. The only catch here is to find the right gif that suits the gist of the communication you want to put forth.

Gifs are very similar to memes in that they have tons of sharing potential, but just as much potential to be dead on arrival. If you are in the league of gifs, it’s always better to put thorough amount of thought and get a second, third and fourth opinion.


Although in one of my previous blogs I have mentioned that the new social media rules do not favour ephemeral content, games are a strong exception. They are a great example of snackable content and are highly engaging.

Use these questions in a poll format on IG with series of stories

There are so many games that you can play on social media. Some of them are mentioned below:
- You can quiz them on their understanding of a particular subject
- You can ask them to find an emoji hidden in a picture
- Ask them to choose which is a photograph and which is a painting
- Let them find words in a cross word puzzle
- Play bingo with them
- Share a meme template and ask your audience to create memes

These ephemeral yet snackable social media content will stay on your story for 24 hours and hence will not reflect as a part of your permanent content strategy.


With the new social media rules of 2022 favouring snackable social media content, it’s time that marketers start treating them as an important part of their overall content strategy. This will help you gain an excellent position to expand the reach and efficacy of your online marketing efforts.

Also Read: The Complete Social Media Handbook : Template

About the writer:

I am a marketer and strategist with 5+ years of work experience in the field of marketing. I love being a marketer as it helps me see the bigger picture and analyse the minute pixels that leads to such beautiful creation. You can read more about me on my website.



Aayushi Rachana

I am a marketer, sharing my knowledge and trying to make the world a better place.