Learn reactive programming with Spring WebFlux

Aashi Gangrade
5 min readJan 4, 2024


In the realm of web development, traditional approaches to handling concurrent requests and building scalable systems sometimes fall short. Enter Reactive Programming, a paradigm designed to address the challenges of responsiveness and scalability. In the Spring ecosystem, Spring WebFlux provides a powerful framework for building reactive applications.

What is Reactive Programming?

Reactive Programming is an event-driven paradigm that deals with asynchronous data streams. It enables the development of applications that can react to changes in data in a more responsive and scalable way. Reactive systems use a push-based model instead of a pull-based model. In the push-based model, the data producers send updates to the consumers without waiting for the consumers to ask for data.

Key Concepts of Reactive Programming

  1. Reactive Streams: Reactive Streams is a specification for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking backpressure. It defines a standard for asynchronous stream processing and enables interoperability between different reactive libraries. The key components are Publishers, Subscribers, and Processors.
  2. Backpressure: Backpressure is a mechanism for handling situations where the rate of incoming data is faster than the rate at which the application can process it. Reactive Streams provide a standardized way to handle backpressure, allowing the consumer to signal the producer to slow down or buffer data.

Introducing Spring WebFlux

Spring WebFlux is the reactive web framework introduced in Spring Framework 5. It provides an alternative to the traditional Spring MVC framework for building web applications. WebFlux is built on top of Project Reactor, a reactive programming library.

Components of Spring WebFlux

  1. Mono and Flux: Mono: Represents a stream with zero or one element. It is commonly used for asynchronous operations that produce a single result. Flux: Represents a stream with zero to many elements. It is suitable for handling asynchronous operations that produce multiple results.
  2. Handler Functions: In WebFlux, handlers are functions that handle incoming requests and produce responses. They operate on reactive types like Mono and Flux.
  3. Router Functions: Router functions define how requests are routed to handler functions based on certain criteria. They provide a flexible and functional way to define the routing configuration.

Advantages of Spring WebFlux

  1. Reactive Nature: Enables the development of highly scalable and responsive applications by handling a large number of concurrent connections.
  2. Non-blocking I/O: Uses non-blocking I/O to handle many requests efficiently with fewer threads, improving resource usage.
  3. Backpressure Support: Reactive Streams support backpressure, allowing applications to handle bursts of data without overwhelming downstream components.
  4. Functional Style: Embraces a functional programming style with immutable data structures, making it well-suited for modern, declarative programming paradigms.

Getting Started with Spring WebFlux

To get started with Spring WebFlux, follow these basic steps:

  1. Add Dependencies: Include the necessary dependencies in your project, such as spring-boot-starter-webflux and spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb-reactive for MongoDB support.
  2. Create Router and Handlers: Define router functions and handler functions to handle incoming requests. Router functions define how requests are routed, and handler functions define the actual request handling logic.
  3. Run the Application: Start your Spring Boot application, and it will automatically set up the embedded Netty server (or another reactive runtime) to handle reactive requests.

Example Code Snippet

public class ReactiveController {

private ReactiveUserService userService;

public Flux<User> getAllUsers() {
return userService.getAllUsers();

public Mono<User> getUserById(@PathVariable String id) {
return userService.getUserById(id);

public Mono<User> createUser(@RequestBody User user) {
return userService.createUser(user);

public Mono<User> updateUser(@PathVariable String id, @RequestBody User user) {
return userService.updateUser(id, user);

public Mono<Void> deleteUser(@PathVariable String id) {
return userService.deleteUser(id);

This example demonstrates a simple Spring WebFlux controller with CRUD operations for a User entity. The ReactiveUserService class provides the reactive implementation for managing users.

Below is a simple implementation of a ReactiveUserService class for managing user data reactively. Assuming you are using MongoDB as a reactive data store, this example uses reactive programming with Spring Data Reactive MongoDB.

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

public class ReactiveUserService {
private UserRepository userRepository;
public Flux<User> getAllUsers() {
return userRepository.findAll();
public Mono<User> getUserById(String id) {
return userRepository.findById(id);
public Mono<User> createUser(User user) {
return userRepository.save(user);
public Mono<User> updateUser(String id, User user) {
return userRepository.findById(id)
.flatMap(existingUser -> {
return userRepository.save(existingUser);
public Mono<Void> deleteUser(String id) {
return userRepository.deleteById(id);

In this implementation:

  • The ReactiveUserService class is annotated with @Service to indicate that it is a Spring service bean.
  • Autowiring is used to inject a UserRepository, which is assumed to be a reactive repository interface provided by Spring Data Reactive MongoDB.
  • The methods of ReactiveUserService use reactive types (Flux and Mono) provided by Project Reactor to interact with the reactive data store.
  • The getAllUsers method retrieves all users as a Flux<User>.
  • The getUserById method retrieves a user by ID as a Mono<User>.
  • The createUser method saves a new user and returns the saved user as a Mono<User>.
  • The updateUser method updates an existing user and returns the updated user as a Mono<User>.
  • The deleteUser method deletes a user by ID and returns a Mono<Void>.

The implementation of ReactiveUserService supports reactive programming in several ways:

Reactive Data Access:

  • The service interacts with a reactive data store, assumed to be MongoDB in this example.
  • The UserRepository used in the service is a Spring Data Reactive MongoDB repository interface, which provides reactive methods for performing CRUD operations.

Reactive Return Types:

  • All methods in the ReactiveUserService return reactive types (Flux and Mono).
  • Flux is used when dealing with multiple items (e.g., getAllUsers).
  • Mono is used when dealing with a single item or void (e.g., createUser, updateUser, deleteUser).

Asynchronous Operations:

  • The methods use reactive operators to compose and transform streams of data asynchronously.
  • For example, flatMap is used in the updateUser method to handle the asynchronous transformation of the data when updating an existing user.

Backpressure Handling:

  • Reactive programming inherently supports backpressure, allowing consumers to signal to producers the rate at which they can handle incoming data.
  • While not explicitly shown in this example, reactive streams and Project Reactor provide mechanisms for handling backpressure, ensuring that the application can handle data efficiently without overwhelming downstream components.

Non-Blocking Execution:

  • Reactive programming emphasizes non-blocking I/O, allowing the application to handle a large number of concurrent requests with fewer threads.
  • The reactive types used in the methods enable non-blocking execution, facilitating better resource utilization.

Declarative and Functional Approach:

  • Reactive programming encourages a declarative and functional programming style.
  • The use of operators like flatMap and the composition of reactive types contribute to a more functional and concise code style.

Concurrency and Scalability:

  • Reactive programming is designed to handle concurrency and scale well with the increasing number of connections.
  • The asynchronous and non-blocking nature of reactive programming in Spring WebFlux allows for efficient resource utilization and improved scalability.

Overall, the ReactiveUserService leverages the principles of reactive programming and the capabilities provided by Spring WebFlux and Project Reactor. This helps create flexible, scalable, and non-stop applications, especially for operations with a lot of data or systems with high demands for simultaneous tasks.


Spring WebFlux brings a reactive programming model to Spring, allowing developers to build scalable, responsive, and non-blocking web applications. Spring WebFlux offers a strong framework for modern web development by using reactive principles and Project Reactor.

As you learn more about Spring WebFlux, you'll find out about its many features, such as support for reactive data access, security, and integration with other Spring projects. Spring WebFlux helps you build efficient and responsive systems for reactive applications, such as microservices, real-time applications, and APIs.



Aashi Gangrade
Aashi Gangrade

Written by Aashi Gangrade

Software Engineer 2 at Intuit | Backend Developer (Java + Kotlin)

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