Computer Science for Business Professionals

Aasim Sayed
3 min readJul 21, 2020


“The computer was born to solve problems that did not exist before.” — Bill Gates

“The computer was born to solve problems that did not exist before.”
— Bill Gates

Computer Definition:

“An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.”

In the world of technology, a computer played an important role. It helps humans to develop in a more efficient and faster way. This includes the evolution of computers as well. Though the computer knows only binary language it is hard for a computer to understand human languages.

Programming Languages:

When a person purchases a new computer whether it is MAC or PC it doesn’t necessarily come with built-in Programming Language. Though a computer only understands its own language binary, i.e. zeroes and ones.

So there it comes programming languages, which are made or developed by any company or any person so that a computer should understand human languages. A language like an Assembly, C++, Objective C, java, javascript, Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby, and many more languages. These languages are the result of humans developing over time writing languages or software that can run on a computer that allows the computer now to understand not just zeros and ones but higher-level languages.

Internet Technologies:

A group of technologies that allow users to access information and communication over the World Wide Web (Web browsers, FTP, e-mail, associated hardware, Internet service providers, and so forth).

Internet plays an important role in the 21st century. The Internet gives access to internetwork infrastructure. It is a combination of the protocol to serve the final state or view to the user. Protocols are just like languages, not actual programming languages but it helps a computer to communicate with each other. Protocols are of different types like IP, DHCP, DNS, TCP, UDP, and ICMP many more. This all creates a layer to transmit data from one address to another. Every device has its own IP address.

Web Development:

Web development is an important part to connect to people. It is an easy way to deliver your self, firm, and business. Though we see the front end part of websites only there is a back end part that requires development.

Growth of The World Wide Web in the coming years.

