Underground Networking: Tor and the Art of Anonymity

Aastha Thakker
5 min readJan 25, 2024

World Wide Web is like a library which consists of all the books of different genres and different interests. What comes in our mind when we listen or read the word “Dark Web”? Dark, Scary, Horrible, Dangerous web place? Well, all these words are true but with all the negatives we shouldn’t forget the positive purpose it was made for. Dark web is not always bad. Actually, with good intentions dark web was created; to give people anonymity and a platform for free expression and it has a ton of legitimate uses. Users who want to stay hidden or who want to keep their activities hidden from the government. It’s actually very awesome platform but what makes it awesome also makes it kind of terrifying because it’s the perfect place for all types of illegal activity. Even your stuff is for sale in this place. Your emails, passwords, logins and many more. Criminals are buying it as we speak.

What is TOR?

TOR, stands for “The Onion Routing”, is a free and open-source platform made for anonymous communication which directs the internet traffic via a free and volunteered overlay of network. As the name says “THE ONION Routing”, it consists of onion layers, layers of anonymity.

How TOR works?

Okay, someone might wonder , ”How does TOR actually work?”. Well, I have come up with the super simple example but make sure you read it carefully! Think of a letter you want to send to someone special, ensuring that the message you wrote remains confidential at any cost. You are using the volunteer-operated service, who will be transferring your envelope and who’s going to get involved are uncertain to you. In short everyone involved is a total stranger. Let’s name the people A, B and C. You hand your envelope to A who adds a layer of encryption and passes it to B. B does the same and passes it to C. Now, C finally gives the message to the destination and the response travels back the same route.

Every time the data passes through the onion circuit it adds the layer of encryption. It’s Super Anonymous and it doesn’t keep any kind of logs too! Along with this, let me share another crucial and surprising thing; even incognito mode has the record of your search history!

Alright, enough with the theory; it’s time for the practical upbeat and let’s see how to use Dark Web safely and securely. I will guide you through some ways starting from the least secure way to the most secure way.


1) You can download TOR browser using this link. Tor Project | Download

2) Simply connect it using the “connect” button.

A) The least secure way involves downloading the TOR browser, connecting to the network, and wuusshh! It’s Done! You might be tempted to jump right into it, even though I’ll advise NOT to. I won’t advice this method because the starting node will have your IP, compromising your anonymity. Sure, TOR makes tracing back a near-impossible mission, but that starting node will have an idea about your origin.

B) The more secure (although not the safest) method involves using a VPN. This masks your IP. Problem solved, right? Well, mostly yes! It’s an added layer for your anonymity, even the starting node of TOR remains a stranger.

C) The third and the safest method to access the dark web is using Tails OS. With its amnesiac memory, it’s not only free but super easy to use. It’s a foolproof method — no digital footprints and no one will ever know about your presence on that device. Check out my previous blog for installing and using Tails OS.

Onion Share

For communicating anonymously, you can use Onion share app which runs with TOR hand-in-hand.

1) Download the ONION SHARE app OnionShare

2) Keeping auto-connect to Tor will be good for the lazy bum people like me.

3) Using the Onion Share you can do following tasks mentioned below.

4) For chatting with your friend anonymously, you can use “Chat Anonymously” option. It also allows you for having a private key through which only the person having that key can pen that chat server. Once you click on start it will provide you a link. Copy that link and paste in your TOR browser and BOOMMM!! You chat server is ready to go!

5) Using Onion Share you can even host an anonymous website with the “.onion” link and private key. Make sure you add correct html or css or any other legitimate file for hosting a website.

6) Following the similar way, sharing and receiving files can also be done anonymously.


In a nutshell, TOR browser and Onion share gives us the secure platform for maintaining privacy and anonymity for chatting, browsing and file sharing. It also evades the censorship challenges but one should be cautious of potential drawbacks such as slower browsing speed, potential for malicious activity, learning curve, legal and ethical concerns and many more. For safer experience on the dark web, make sure you don’t log into your personal accounts and avoid financial transactions to mitigate risks effectively.



Aastha Thakker

Yo! Aastha Thakker here, on a cyber security adventure. Eager about new opportunities & grateful for your support. Let's grow together in this journey!