Gulden in figures for April 2021

Aat de Kwaasteniet
3 min readMay 1, 2021

Gulden in figures is written by Aat de Kwaasteniet.
The prices are the weighted average opening prices of the various exchanges.

Price development

1 April: €0,0108
30 April: €0,0343

The lowest price was reached on: 04–04–21 €0,0101
The highest price was recorded on: 24–04–21 €0,0383.

The 30-day moving average (red line) shows a rising line. It was on 01–04–21 €0,0125 and is on 30–04–21 €0,0212

Price in historical perspective

The annual chart shows that Gulden takes a big jump pricewise.

Below is a table with the 30-day moving average of the Gulden price and the trading volume in the past and present.

Trade volume

We see that the volume of trade in Gulden this month is at over 362 million Gulden with an Euro value of 8.6 million. The trading volume was much bigger than previous month. In Gulden it’s even en big record. Never was the tradingvolume so big. The last record was octobre 2016 with a trading volume of 216 million Gulden.
In Euros, the trading volume this month was ranked at the 3rd place. Only dec. 2017 and jan. 2018 had a bigger Euro trading volume.


The number of Slack users has increased this month with 20 new members to a total of 3517. Of these users, an average of 180 are active daily. That is a hugh increase (+38%) compared to the previous month. If we look at the weekly active users (members who log into Slack at least once a week), the number is about 300 members. That is slightly higher (+9%) than last month.
In this month members wrote 18,410 messages (+3%)


The number of witness accounts on 30 April was 903, a little increase from the previous month when we ended the month with 897 witness accounts.
The total amount of money in witness accounts has not changed much this month.

But the total witnessweight is wit 5% increased this month to a record height of 1,278,643,195. So people put no more Gulden into witness but for a longer time.
Due to the increasing total witnessweight, the return on witnesses has decreased a little.
An average witness account with 100.000 Gulden (+/- €3400,-) fixed for 3 years now yields about 5,7% “interest” per year.


April 2021 was a good month for Gulden, pricewise and also for the tradingvolume. At last Gulden tracks some attention to new capital inflow. Maybe caused bij Robby’s relentless efforts with his Gulden bus and the rest of the community of course.

