Gulden mobile-wallet linking to desktop-wallet

Aat de Kwaasteniet
4 min readOct 31, 2019


This “manual” is written for:
desktop ver. 2.1.x, Android ver. 2.1.x and iOS 1.10.x
Dutch version here

At Gulden it is possible to link the content of your mobile wallet with an account of your desktop wallet. This simulates the situation that you have a wallet with you that contains a small amount with which you can pay the daily expenses while your large “savings” amount is securely on your bank account, so at Gulden the bank account is your desktop wallet.
In case of loss or theft of your wallet/telephone, you will not lose all your Gulden but only the amount on your mobile phone. And even that is not true because you can still use the mobile account on your desktop to manage the Gulden of your phone and thus secure them before the thief or finder can spend your Gulden.
In this story I would like to explain how it works and how you set it up.

How to set up the linking

Note: This manual is using an Android wallet for explaining, but it can also used for an iOS wallet. There are only cosmetic differences.
We assume that you have a mobile wallet and a desktop wallet which you now use independently of each other. To start linking, open both wallets.
In the desktop wallet you will create an extra account.

To do this, press ‘add account’ (1) at the bottom left. The right part of the wallet shows a form in which you first have to fill in the name of the new account (2) and then you choose for “linked mobile” (3).

The right part of the wallet then shows a message in blue. Take it to heart and then tap it. Now a QR code becomes visible.

Open your mobile wallet now.

Press “Settings” in the lower right corner. Then select “Wallet, backup recovery and linking”. In the next screen you choose “Link wallet”. Then the camera of your phone opens and you have to scan the QR code on your desktop. A message will be shown and if you press OK the software begins to Synchronize the mobile wallet, waits patiently this process and leave your wallet open for the entire time. (about 5–15 minutes)

When the synchronization is finished we see that the amount that used to be only in the Mobile wallet has now also appeared in the desktop. You can use both wallets separately. You can also make internal transfers in the desktop from for example “My account” to “Android”.
If you pay an amount through the mobile wallet you will see the amount also change in the desktop wallet.

In the example, a filled mobile wallet is linked. Of course you can also connect an empty mobile wallet to the desktop wallet. This works the same way as with a filled wallet.

The recovery phrase of the old mobile wallet is no longer usable. The contents of the mobile wallet, after linking, fall under the recovery phrase of the desktop wallet. If you have used in the past a Gulden address of the mobile wallet to buy Gulden on an exchange for example, remember that you can no longer use that address and that you have to replace it with a new address from your linked wallet or your desktop wallet.
If you accidentally receive Gulden at such an old address, you will not see it in your wallet. To get to the Gulden you can use the old recovery phrase of the mobile wallet to make a temporary wallet in which the Gulden will appear. So don’t destroy the old recovery sentence, but keep it in a safe place, but mark it so that you know that it belongs to the old mobile wallet.

