Bootcamp — So far, so big

Atanda Dammy
2 min readOct 2, 2018

The Monday that started boot camp 36 witnessed me stepping into Epic Tower unsure of what the following days held in wait. Little did I know that boot camp was where I would compress a month work load into 2 weeks. I knew boot camp was tough as I had been in one prior this. What I didn’t know about the toughness of the boot camp was that I could be shaken.

That Monday started with motivation for all bootcampers. Kudos to Phil. The strength of our resolve could not be quantified. Funny. While we were at it, I didn’t realize we were being geared deliberately to go for the goal. That’s one cool parts of boot camp anyway.

One other awesomeness I experienced at boot camp is the tendency to keep pushing. Sometime all the environment variables of one’s niche seem to validate against their progress, they just keep being resilient. The implication of doing otherwise could be dire. Let me make an example of my predicament.

I started Saturday trying to implement all my LFA’s feedback so that I would progress to Week 2. On concluding my implementation, I made for starting challenge 3. The start of challenge 3 saw me distressed, frustrated and desperate throughout Saturday and Sunday. At first, installing PostgreSQL was a rather formidable bug. But debug it, I must! After spending aeons on “could not write to environment TEMP variable”, a windows execution error and then, getting my throes compounded by a collaboration between Google and StackOverflow, YouTube came to the rescue. Of course I shared this on the slack channel and it became handy to two other colleagues who were getting impeded by a similar error.

Did I tell you my laptop spoilt suddenly in the middle of my project yesterday? It was quite a crushing experience. Thank God my sister has a laptop.

Boot camp has taught me a lot over the past week — time management taking the lead.

