9 Life lessons to learn from nine forms of Goddess Durga

8 min readSep 27, 2023


Invoke your inner Feminine energy and see your life transform

I n Hindu mythology, the nine forms of Goddess Durga embody the diverse facets of feminine energy. These powerful manifestations hold great significance in religious beliefs and offer valuable life lessons that can inspire and uplift us.

Each form of Goddess Durga represents a unique aspect of strength, courage, and wisdom. By delving into these divine manifestations, we can discover profound insights that can guide us on our own personal journeys.

Let’s understand each form of feminine energy and the significance behind it:


Shaila refers to Goddess Parvati, daughter of King Himavat, a personification of the Himalayan Mountains. She carries a trident in her right hand and a lotus flower in her left. She is depicted with her vahana or riding the “Nandi” bull

Shailaputri (Daughter of the Mountain) (The Root Strength):

The Daughter of the Mountain and Joy of the World

Discover how resilience and determination can help you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

The initial manifestation of the divine deity Durga is recognized as Shailaputri or Shailaja. The term “Shaila” denotes a mountain, and this form pertains to the offspring of the mountain or the goddess Parvati, who was the daughter of King Himavat, the embodiment of the Himalayan mountain range.

In Hindu mythology, Goddess Parvati is believed to be the embodiment of Goddess Sati. She is typically depicted as a feminine figure with two hands and a crescent moon adorning her forehead.

Just as the goddess emerged from the Himalayas, we too can tap into our inner reservoirs of strength. Embrace our roots, draw upon our inherent power, and face life’s challenges with unwavering determination.


She is depicted as a female deity carrying a rosary bead made of dried rudraksha in her right hand and a kamandalu in her left hand

Brahmacharini (The Ascetic) (The Follower of Truth):

Whose Forehead is Stainless and Pure like a Lotus Petal

In your life journey, it’s important to incorporate self-discipline, dedication, and spiritual growth to achieve success.

The form of Goddess Durga known as Brahmacharini is that of a female ascetic

She is portrayed as a goddess holding a rosary of dried rudraksha beads in her right hand and a kamandalu in her left hand.

This form of Goddess Durga teaches us the importance of being true to ourselves. Stay committed to your values, walk the path of righteousness, and let your actions reflect your authentic self.


The goddess is depicted as a female deity with 10 hands of which two carry the trident, mace, bow and arrow, khadaga, lotus, ghanta and kamandalu, one of her hands is always in a blessing posture or the abhayamudra which dispels fears.

Chandraghanta (Bearer of the Moon) (The Radiant Warrior):

Whose Pure Moon-Like Face Subdues our Impurities

Try to embody the traits of courage and resilience, even when faced with challenges.

The goddess, also known as ‘Ranachandi’ is always depicted with her third eye open, ready for battle against demons.

The goddess is portrayed as a feminine divine being with ten hands. Among these, two hands hold the trident, mace, bow and arrow, khadaga, lotus, ghanta, and kamandalu, while one hand is always in the abhayamudra, a blessing posture that removes fears.

With her half-moon-shaped adornment, this goddess signifies bravery and fearlessness. Embrace your inner warrior, stand tall with confidence, and face obstacles head-on, knowing that you possess the strength to overcome any adversity.


She is seen mounting a lion

Kushmanda (The Creator of the Universe) (The Source of Cosmic Energy):

From Whom Emerges all Arts, Beauty, and Power

Recognize the importance of creativity, nurturing, and sustenance in constructing a cohesive society.

The fourth form of the goddess Durga is worshipped, known as Kushmanda. The name Kushmanda comes from the combination of three words: Ku, Ushma, and Anda. Ku refers to “a little,” Ushma means “warmth” or “energy,” and Anda means “cosmic egg.”

This form of the goddess Durga is also known as ‘Asthabhuja Devi’. She is credited with creating the universe as Adi Shakti.

She is seen mounting a lion as her vahana (ride).

Just as the goddess created the universe with her divine smile, we too have the power to create and manifest our own reality. Tap into your inner reservoir of energy, radiate positivity, and watch as your world transforms.


This form of the goddess is depicted as a female deity with four arms, three eyes and mounting on a lion. Of the four arms of the goddess, two carry lotus while of the other two, one carries Karthikeya on one hand and blessing mudra or abhayamudra on the other hand.

Skandamata (Mother of Skanda) (The Nurturer):

Whose Voice is Sweeter than Flute and Cuckoo, Nourishes the Three Worlds

Be a nurturing parent, practicing selflessness, and showing unconditional love in fostering healthy family relationships.

This depiction of the goddess shows her holding Kartikeya, also known as Skanda.

The goddess is portrayed as a female deity with four arms, riding on a lion, and possessing three eyes. Two of her arms hold lotus flowers, while in her other two hands, one carries Karthikeya and the other bears a gesture of blessing, known as abhayamudra.

This form of Goddess Durga represents the nurturing and protective qualities of a mother. Embrace compassion, care for others, and foster an environment of love and support wherever you go.


This form of goddess Durga is depicted as a female deity mounted on a lion with eighteen arms and various weapons gifted by the gods.

Katyayani (Warrior Goddess) (The Fearless Warrior):

She is an Army against evil

When confronted with obstacles and adversaries in life, it is important to approach them with courage, determination, and fearlessness.

The depiction highlights her as the powerful manifestation of the goddess Mahadevi or Durga.

This form of Goddess Durga is depicted as a female deity riding a lion with 18 arms wielding various weapons gifted by the gods.

Like the goddess who destroyed evil forces, we too have the power to conquer our fears. Embrace your inner strength, rise above self-doubt, and let your courage guide you towards your goals.


Shhe is depicted mounted on a donkey, with four arms, two of which are in a blessing and protecting pose while the other two carry a scimitar and a thunderbolt

Kaalratri (The Dark Night) (Goddess of Darkness):

Whose Battle expresses as Celestial Dance

Recognize that there is strength in embracing your darker side, and that transformation often requires confronting your fears

Kalaratri is the seventh form of Goddess Durga and is known for her fierce nature. She represents the eradication of darkness and ignorance. Her depiction shows her riding a donkey and having four arms. Two of her arms are in a blessing and protective posture, while the remaining two carry a scimitar and a thunderbolt.

She is also sometimes known as Kali.

This fierce form of Goddess Durga symbolizes the destruction of ignorance and darkness. Embrace the challenges and shadows in your life, for they are opportunities for growth and transformation.


This form of the goddess is depicted as a four-armed deity carrying a trident or Trishul on one hand and a damru on her other hand.

Mahagauri (The Great White Goddess) (The Radiant Beauty):

Union of beautiful mind and radiance of gems of diadem and spreads its brightness like the moon

It is essential to value purity, and humility, and prioritize inner beauty over external appearance.

This form of the goddess is depicted as a four-armed deity carrying a trident or Trishul on one hand and a damru on her other hand.

The statue has two arms for blessing and dispelling fears, known as varada and Abhaya mudra.

She mounts a bull or white elephant

Just as the goddess embraced purity and radiance, we too can cultivate our inner beauty. Let go of negativity, embrace self-love, and allow your authentic light to shine brightly.


Siddhidatri (The Bestower of Blessings) (The Granter of Desires):

Who Showers Grace on Devotees, the provider of awakening consciousness

This final form of Goddess Durga represents the fulfillment of all desires. By embracing gratitude and contentment, we can attract abundance and experience true fulfillment in our lives.

As we explore the nine forms of Goddess Durga, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Let these divine manifestations serve as reminders that within each of us lies a wellspring of strength, wisdom, and beauty.

May the lessons we learn from the goddesses inspire us to embrace our own unique qualities, face life’s challenges with grace, and radiate love and compassion in all that we do. Remember, you have the power to create your own destiny and manifest a life filled with joy, purpose, and endless possibilities.

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I write to see the unsual in the usual world.🌍 Writer📝, Designer🎨, Spiritual Mentor🧘‍♀️. More details DM - https://instagram.com/aatmikjourneytoself?igshid=