Cyber Threats basics and their Importance.

aavana solutions
2 min readApr 4, 2022


Cyber Threats basics and their Importance.

Nowadays, frequently we keep on hearing about various cyber-security breaches and questioning whether people’s protection against those threats will fit or not.

What is a Cyber Threat?

A cyber threat is a spiteful act that damages data, steal the stored data, or disrupts digital life. They include viruses, data breaches, DOSattcaks, and other attacks.

Cyber Security Management

Everything that an organization tries to protect like the information about the operations or the overall data which belongs to the company from attacks, intrusion, malware, and various data breaches.

Roles and Responsibility of CFO

A company’s de facto risk officer is a person who must have to analyze the cyber threats and should come up with cybersecurity plans to protect the company’s information.

During these pandemic days, everyone is working from home and cyber threats have multiplied largely. So, the CFO should take action and ensure to plan for strategies in place to mitigate against the risk that arises from the attacks. CFO must need to pinpoint exactly where risk arises and how such attacks impact the company plan.

The cases of coronavirus are increasing from every corner of India so India is emerging as a top country in COVID 19 cases and also India is the biggest target for cyber attacks after the USA and China. As most of them work remotely, India became more digitized and the threats will imperil not only results in commercial losses but also creates a lot of legal issues. The CFO of the company should plan collaboratively in advance to fight those breaches.

Importance of Cyber Security

  • Cybersecurity is necessary because the government, corporates, medical, military, and all other organizations store their unprecedented data in computers in the clouds.
  • The stored data can be sensitive or maybe it can be intellectual property, financial data, or any personal information.
  • Sometimes even unauthorized data will be stored in the clouds.
  • To ease the business operations the company will transfer the data across the networks.

Cybersecurity describes its intention to protect information. The volume and cyberattacks start growing because of the pandemic situation. Companies need to safeguard their information that is very sensitive and highly required undisclosed data, maybe some financial figures and such. More than 21 million people use the internet every day, most of the people are moving digitally. In such cases, hackers find it easy to attack any devices or use the data for illegal activities and harm confidential pieces of information.

