Back on Track; let’s pace up

Aayush Gupta
1 min readJun 8, 2020


First week of the Coding period went pretty well. I am spending a lot of time reading Stack Overflow and learning about quite a few little tricks which can be used here and there to make the UI more robust and responsive.

This week, I had a call with Satvik talking about current project progress. He reviewed all of my PRs and provided them with a green signal to be merged :D

Alongwith, I worked on a couple of PRs fixing new pages, most of the time spent in understanding HTML tables structure :| Turns out this simple element has a lot of restrictions on how it could be styled.
And here comes my friend Stack Overflow, giving me various tricks/tweaks to solve these problems. Finally, I did some experimenting and voila, I made the structure quite similar to the prototype.

Further, I am learning rails alongside; understanding how it handles Authentication. And turns out I have slowly started to admire Rails for how well it is structured. I also got to know about a magic spell in rails “generate scanffold”, which magically creates the base file structure and write a couple of code lines easing further development.

That’s all for this week. The plan is to have a sprint coming week so I can quickly wind up on UI and refactoring. We’ll see how that goes in the next blog.

Till then, Sayōnara !



Aayush Gupta

GSoC’20 Student Developer & GCI’19 Mentor | Microsoft Student Partner | GSSoC’20 Mentor