Not everytime things go as planned

Aayush Gupta
2 min readMay 25, 2020


This is a story about how I got off track to get on track only to get off track again. This week, I got a few things planned in my to-do list ranging from redesiging/refining screens to learning Rails.

Initially, I started with learning rails. It was good until I realised I don’t know Ruby as well when I didn’t understand what kind of code those tutorials are writing :p I realised that things are gonna take much more longer than what I expected them to be.

But soon after I got a hang of things, I was dodging from documentation to tutorials to Stack Overflow learning Rails to gear up for the GDPR implementation. Alongside, I completed the About and Contribute pages redevelopment making them responsive and usable across all devices.

When only I thought things are going well, my college came into picture and amazingly they decided to hold the practical exams with a two day prior notice. And it completely messed up my to-do list.

Practical exams not only mean spending a few hours sitting in front of computer trying to guess the right answer; but finishing off that huge pile of assignments, tutorial sheets, model papers and what not :/ (something I had been pushing off since eternity)

It took a huge chunk of my time. Finally to tackle this off I decided to refactor the code I am refining simltaneously. This would save me from going back to same files again and refactor them.

I quickly finished up my current PR fixing those 40+ Codeclimate Issues. Then started off working on the Redesigned Navbar.

Alongwith the Navbar, I decided to finish up refactoring pages I have developed initially since I am well versed with their code structure. So I managed to complete the Teachers page refactoring portion.

Then, quickly went back to the Navbar fixing things; but so as you know the week ended :\ And there I was trying to put things in place (which clearly didn’t happened)

PS: This isn’t a rant about how college is unfair. This is a reminder to me on how things don’t always go as planned and it is fine as long as you are not repeating the same stuff again.

Now, off to Week 4 (last week of Community Bonding period) catching up on all the work; excited to experience all the lessons this journey has in for me!

Till then, Sayōnara !



Aayush Gupta

GSoC’20 Student Developer & GCI’19 Mentor | Microsoft Student Partner | GSSoC’20 Mentor