Rate Limiting Implementation Example in Java

Aayush Bhatnagar
6 min readSep 15, 2019


Rate limiting is an essential functionality in most server side applications. This capability enables product owners to implement features such as :

a) Licensing based on Transactions per Second

b) Overload control features

c) Throttling users for fair usage of application resources

d) Protecting the application against denial of service attacks.

It is necessary to have rate limiting as an integral part of your application. There are many open source implementations of rate limiting on the internet.

In this post, we discuss one more implementation of rate limiting as a demonstration which you can use to play around by changing some configuration parameters.

In this example, the rate limiting module is multi-tenant, and you can provision multiple rate limit instance IDs and define specific policies against each of them.

The granularity of the clock is in seconds, and the smallest granularity of time in the implementation is 1 second. This essentially means that the rate is limited in terms of transactions per second (TPS) and not transactions per milliseconds or any other smaller value of the clock.

This is reasonable in most cases, as server side implementations always throttle in terms of TPS.

The implementation also takes care of spikey traffic. For example, if the rate limit is 100 TPS, and the 100 requests come in the first 10 milliseconds, then they will be throttled on 1 second boundaries.

Hence, the evaluation criteria for rate limiting is in millisecond granularity, but the enforcement is on second boundaries.

We have the following source files involved:

package com.demo;import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;/**** @author aayush* This is a simple test for a rate limiter.* We can build the RateLimitExecutor object and set the following
* attributes:
* a) instance_id — which acts as a key to uniquely identify the rate
* limiting policy
* b) threshold — the Transactions per second to be controlled
* (throttle limit)
* Based on this information, provision the rate limiter in a
* container class — Rate Limit Manager
* This class then pumps loads through iterations, and sleep time to
* control traffic ingestion.
*/public class RateLimiterTest implements RateLimitListener{// Number of iterations to be executed (simulate load generation)private static long iterations = 1000;// Rate Limit to be sent in Transactions per Second.// Inspect the TPS value in the prints and play around with this value. Increase this value to avoid throttlingprivate static long threshold_to_be_enforced = 100;// Sleep time between pumping traffic in milliseconds. Set to zero for uncontrolled traffic ingestion.// Give a sleep time of 100 ms for example to pump traffic every 100 milliseconds and control the TPSprivate static long sleepTime = 0;public static void main (String… args) throws InterruptedException{new RateLimiterTest().test();}private void test() throws InterruptedException{// Setup and provision the rate limit// User Defined Rate Limit Instance Id. Eg: HTTP InterfaceString instance_id = “HTTP Interface”;// Create an instance of Rate Limit ExecutorRateLimitExecutor rateLimiter = new RateLimitExecutor();// Set the thresholds / second.rateLimiter.build(TimeUnit.SECONDS, threshold_to_be_enforced);// Associate instance IDrateLimiter.setInstance_id(instance_id);// Provision Rate LimitRateLimitManager._instance.provisionRateLimit(rateLimiter, instance_id, new RateLimitThrottleListener());// Start the testfor (int i=0;i<iterations;i++){RateLimitManager._instance.pegTraffic(instance_id);Thread.sleep(sleepTime);}try {// Wait for graceful termination of worker thread from the poolRateLimitManager._instance.getThreadPool().awaitTermination(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);RateLimitManager._instance.deProvisionRateLimit(“HTTP Interface”);} catch (InterruptedException e){System.exit(0);}System.out.println(“\n Test Ended \n”);System.exit(1);}public void rateLimitThresholdBreached(){System.out.println(“Rate Limit has been breached for: “);}public void rateLimitThresholdNormal(){System.out.println(“Rate Limit is under control for: “);}}

Rate Limit Manager Singleton Class:

package com.demo;import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;import java.util.concurrent.Executors;/**** @author aayush* This is a thread safe static singleton class which maintains all
* the rate limiting policies in the form of a concurrent hash map.
* The key of the map is the instance id while the value is the Rate
* Limit Executor object.
* Based on the key supplied the appropriate Rate Limiter is invoked.*/public final class RateLimitManager{// Static singleton class which is thread safe from multiple instantiation race conditions in traiditonal sigletonspublic static final RateLimitManager _instance = new RateLimitManager();// Container for keeping track of all provisioned rate limits.private ConcurrentHashMap <String, RateLimitExecutor> rateLimitMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, RateLimitExecutor>();// Thread pool initializationprivate ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());// To provision a new Rate Limit Policy and executor. Callback interface to receive notificationspublic void provisionRateLimit(RateLimitExecutor builder, String instance_id, RateLimitListener listener){builder.setListener(listener);rateLimitMap.put(instance_id, builder);}// To remove a rate limit policypublic void deProvisionRateLimit (String instance_id){try{rateLimitMap.remove(instance_id);}catch (Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}}// API Call to peg traffic and evaluate the rate limit provisionedpublic void pegTraffic(String instance_id){rateLimitMap.get(instance_id).evalute();}public ExecutorService getThreadPool(){return threadPool;}}

Then we have the Rate Limit Executor object that evaluates and enforces the rate limit in the application:

package com.demo;import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock;/**** @author aayush* This class calculates the TPS and applies the throttling policy* It uses granular write locking for thread safety.*/public class RateLimitExecutor{// Defaults to secondsprivate TimeUnit timeUnit;// Current transactions countedprivate long transactions = 0L;// Transactions per second allowedprivate long threshold;// Calculated Transactions per secondprivate long tps;// Throttle keyprivate String instance_id;// Timestamp for evaluationprivate double timeStamp;// Thread Safety aidsprivate ReentrantReadWriteLock rwLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();private WriteLock wLock = rwLock.writeLock();// Callback handleprivate RateLimitListener listener;public RateLimitExecutor(){this.timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis();}public void setInstanceID(String instance_id){this.instance_id = instance_id;}public void evalute(){System.out.println(“Starting Rate Limit evaluation\n” + “Threshold set is: “+threshold);++transactions;wLock.lock();// Take the current timestamplong currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();// Get the delta time elapseddouble deltaTime = (currentTime — timeStamp);System.out.println(“Delta time elapsed: “+deltaTime);// Calculate transactions per secondtps = (long) (transactions/deltaTime * 1000L);// Don’t print TPS on the very first hit as its misleadingif(transactions != 1)System.out.println(“TPS is — “+ tps);// What is higher, TPS threshold or transactions per second? Exclude the very first transaction to avoid false positivesif(tps >=threshold && transactions !=1){System.out.println(“Rate limit has been breached, Transaction Number: “+transactions+“ in delta time (milliseconds): “+ deltaTime +“ Threshold: “ +threshold);RateLimitManager._instance.getThreadPool().execute(new WorkerThread(listener));}// Leave write lockwLock.unlock();}public void build (TimeUnit time, long threshold){this.timeUnit = time;this.threshold = threshold;}public void setListener (RateLimitListener listener){this.listener = listener;}public TimeUnit getTimeUnit(){return timeUnit;}public Long getTransactions(){return transactions;}public long getThreshold(){return threshold;}public String getInstance_id(){return instance_id;}public void setInstance_id(String instance_id){this.instance_id = instance_id;}}

We have a worker thread to inform the application in case the rate limit is breached:

package com.demo;/**** @author aayush* Worker thread to notify the application whenever the rate limit is
* breached.
* This thread is submitted to a thread pool asynchronously.*/public class WorkerThread implements Runnable{private RateLimitListener listener;public WorkerThread(RateLimitListener listener ){this.listener = listener;}@Overridepublic void run(){this.listener.rateLimitThresholdBreached();}}

Finally, a simulation of the application receiving the callback by implementing a listener interface:

package com.demo;/**** @author aayush* Interface to be implemented by the application to receive
* notifications whenever the rate limit is breached.
* Future behavior can be added to this interface.**/public interface RateLimitListener{public void rateLimitThresholdBreached();}


package com.demo;/*** @author aayush* Listener interface’s implementation to receive the threshold
* breach notifications. Application may take appropriate action
* after receiving this callback
*/public class RateLimitThrottleListener implements RateLimitListener{public RateLimitThrottleListener(){}public void rateLimitThresholdBreached(){System.out.println(“Received threshold breach callback notification”);}}

We can extend this implementation freely with more features such as rate limiting runtime actions — disable/enable limits, increase/decrease limits etc.

The possibilities for enhancement are infinite and depend upon the nature of the application

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Aayush Bhatnagar

Writing about software and technology. Building 5G and 6G for India.