How I Tested for CRLF Injection with Akto

aayushii Gupta
6 min readOct 13, 2023


CRFL Injection

In this complete article, we’ll look into CRLF injection testing with Akto, a strong open-source API security tool. We’ll provide you with step-by-step instructions and deep insights to harden your web apps against this potentially debilitating vulnerability.
It is critical to be watchful against emerging attacks in the ever-changing world of web application security. One such danger is CRLF (Carriage Return Line Feed) injection, a vulnerability that, if left untreated, can have serious implications. In this detailed post, we will look at how to test for CRLF injection with Akto, an open-source API security solution. We’ll lead you through the procedure step by step, ensuring that your online apps are resistant to this possible exploit.

Understanding CRLF Injection

Before we dive into testing, let’s get a clear understanding of what CRLF injection is and why it’s a concern.

CRLF injection is a type of security vulnerability that occurs when an attacker can manipulate the Carriage Return (CR) and Line Feed (LF) characters in an input field. These characters, usually represented as ‘\r’ and ‘\n’, are used to control line breaks in various protocols like HTTP, SMTP, and more. An attacker can exploit CRLF injection to insert malicious headers, alter the response content, or even perform more advanced attacks. CRLF injection is a relatively simple attack to execute, but it can have devastating consequences. CRLF injection can be used to exploit a wide range of web applications, including: Login pages, Comment sections, Search bars, File upload forms.
CRLF injection is often used in conjunction with other attacks, such as XSS and CSRF, to amplify the impact of the attack.

Here are some examples of how CRLF injection can be used to attack web applications:

  1. An attacker can inject a CRLF sequence into a login form to create a new header. This header can then be used to set a cookie or steal the user’s session ID.
  2. An attacker can inject a CRLF sequence into a comment section to insert malicious HTML or JavaScript code. This code can then be executed by other users who view the comment.
  3. An attacker can inject a CRLF sequence into a search bar to redirect the user to a malicious website.
  4. An attacker can inject a CRLF sequence into a file upload form to upload a malicious file. This file can then be executed on the server, giving the attacker control over the system.

The consequences of a successful CRLF injection attack can be dire. It can lead to HTTP response splitting, session fixation, and other security issues that put user data and system integrity at risk. As a result, testing for CRLF injection is a crucial part of web application security.

Meet Akto: Your CRLF Injection Testing Buddy

Akto is an open-source API security product designed to help identify vulnerabilities in your API endpoints. It focuses on a wide range of potential issues, including but not limited to SQL injection, XSS (Cross-Site Scripting), and, of course, CRLF injection.

Akto: Your CRLF Injection Testing Buddy

Let’s see how to harness Akto to test for CRLF injection in your web applications.

Setting Up Akto

Before we get started with testing, you’ll need to set up Akto. You can find detailed installation instructions and documentation on their official website here. Follow these steps to install Akto and get it up and running on your system.

  1. Download and Install: Begin by downloading the Akto tool from their official website. Installation is typically straightforward, and you can find platform-specific instructions in the documentation.
  2. Configuration: Once Akto is installed, you may need to configure it to suit your testing environment. Configuration options can include specifying the target API endpoints, authentication credentials, and other settings.
  3. Testing Environment: Ensure that you have a suitable testing environment in place. This may involve setting up a sandbox or test instance of your application where you can safely perform security tests.

Writing Test Cases with Akto

Akto uses a simple yet powerful DSL (Domain Specific Language) for writing test cases. The DSL allows you to define the behavior you want to test and specify the expected results. To test for CRLF injection, you need to create test cases that simulate potential attacks.

Here’s a basic example of a CRLF injection test case in Akto’s DSL:

# Testing for CRLF Injection
api_endpoint = ""

test_case "CRLF Injection Attack" do
description "Attempting a CRLF injection attack"

request do
method :get
url api_endpoint
headers "User-Agent" => "Akto"
parameters "param" => "UserInput\r\nInjectedHeader: MaliciousData\r\n"

response do
code 200
headers do
not_include "InjectedHeader: MaliciousData"

In this particular example, we’ve created a test case that simulates a CRLF injection scenario using Akto. This test case aims to determine if it’s possible for an attacker to introduce a harmful header into the server’s response.

The test case is designed to execute a GET request to a specific endpoint, accompanied by a parameter that includes CRLF characters and a malicious header. If the server responds with a result that includes the injected header, the test case registers as a failure.
This test case serves as a versatile tool for evaluating CRLF injection vulnerabilities in a wide range of web applications.

Running the Test

Once you’ve defined your test cases, it’s time to run them using Akto. The tool will send the requests, evaluate the responses, and report any discrepancies between the expected and actual results.

akto test my_crlf_injection_test.rb

By running this command, the test cases you painstakingly prepared in the my_crlf_injection_test.rb file will begin to run. When finished, it provides you with an extensive and thorough report describing the outcomes of your testing efforts.

It is impossible to exaggerate how important this stage is; the report must be carefully and attentively examined. This thorough examination’s goal is to find and pinpoint any hidden weaknesses that could have come to light throughout the testing procedure. You may then take prompt action to address and reduce these possible security concerns, strengthening your web application’s overall security posture and reinforcing it against attackers.

Interpreting the Results

When you run your CRLF injection test cases with Akto, you’ll receive a report that can include the following information:

  1. Test Pass/Fail Status: Each test case will be marked as either passed or failed, indicating whether the vulnerability was successfully identified.
  2. Request and Response Details: You can view the details of the HTTP requests and responses to understand the context of the test.
  3. Vulnerability Details: If a CRLF injection vulnerability is detected, Akto will provide information about the vulnerability, including the URL, headers, and parameters involved.
  4. Recommendations: Akto often provides recommendations on how to mitigate the identified vulnerability, which can be invaluable for remediation efforts.

Comprehending the Significance of CRLF Injection

CRLF injection is a sophisticated form of injection attack that zeroes in on the manipulation of new line and carriage return characters within diverse protocols. It grants malicious actors the power to wield these characters as tools to tweak an application’s functionality in ways that were neither intended nor beneficial.

When we delve deeper into the potential outcomes of a successful CRLF injection attack, the gravity of this vulnerability becomes all the more apparent. Let’s elaborate on these outcomes with real-world examples:

  1. HTTP Response Splitting: HTTP Response Splitting is a situation where an attacker skillfully injects additional headers or content into an HTTP response generated by a web application. This manipulation can have severe consequences. For example, an attacker might use CRLF injection to insert a header that prompts the user’s browser to download malicious scripts. When unsuspecting users visit the compromised web page, these scripts may be executed without their knowledge. This can trigger a series of problems, including Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks, which can lead to user data compromise, privacy breaches, and significant damage to the reputation of the affected website.
  2. Session Fixation: Session Fixation is a web application vulnerability where attackers exploit CRLF injection to manipulate HTTP headers. This manipulation enables them to deceive the application into accepting a session ID chosen by the attacker. In practical terms, this means that an attacker can lock an unwitting user into a session under their control, potentially leading to unauthorized access, data theft, and account compromise. An effective session fixation attack could grant an attacker access to an online shopping account, enabling fraudulent purchases and manipulation of personal data.
  3. Data Leakage: Data Leakage, a major ramification of CRLF injection, enables attackers to extract sensitive information from a web application’s responses. For instance, in the context of an online banking application, attackers could employ CRLF injection to manipulate responses and steal user account data, transaction histories, and account balances. This pilfered information can be leveraged for financial gain or other malicious purposes.

