When I say the word “tech,” what comes to your mind?

You might be thinking of wearable technology like Apple watches or Fitbits. Maybe your first thought was something digital like web hosting or cloud storage. Or you could be thinking of the electronic device that you’re using to read this article.

Personally, I was thinking of my laptop (the device I’m using to write this article) and then I thought of drones (because yes, I am a geek at heart).

If you have built or are building your affiliate marketing business around tech, there are so many options to choose from. What kind of products will you promote? Will you focus on digital or physical? What’s the most profitable tech niche and which products are selling the best?

And, perhaps most important of all: How will you promote them?

Today, we’re going to go through some of the top tips for affiliate marketers in the tech scene. Then, we’ll see seven of the best tech affiliate programs for all different kinds of tech niches.

Let’s get your tech affiliate business to reach its full potential!

Top Tips for Tech Affiliates

Find a Niche That Suits You

As we saw in the examples above, there are so many different directions to go when you direct yourself towards the world of tech.

Whatever niche you choose, it’s important that it suits both you and your business.

The biggest difference in niches within the category of tech is whether you’re promoting physical or digital products. It all depends on what you and your team want to write about! Remember, you’ll be spending a lot of time on this same topic. So if you’re a fiend for DSLR cameras, it might not be the best idea to start an affiliate websites about WordPress themes.

Finding niches that are evergreen is a great way to make sure that your business idea is viable. So do a bit of research. Find out what’s selling on a regular basis and which sectors are continuing to grow, then aim for those!

Keep Up with the Latest Technology

For tech affiliates, it’s extremely important that you keep up-to-date with what’s going on in your niche field. If you’re producing content that’s out of date or promoting older models of tech products, your readers aren’t going to trust what you’re saying.

To stay updated, subscribe to other tech blogs within your niche. Also, create Google Alerts for keywords related to your niche. Then, you’ll have the most recently published information sent directly to your inbox.

For example, let’s say that your affiliate marketing website is focused on tablets. You could set up a Google Alert for specific keywords within your niche. Then, you’ll be alerted when new products in your niche become available. When a new version of a tablet comes out, you need to respond immediately. Review the new version, comparing it to older versions and to its current competition. Find out what makes it different and exciting (or what makes it fall short of greatness).

When you do this consistently, people will turn to your website for the latest tech news. You’ll increase your readership, and as result your income will also increase.

Follow Seasonal Trends

Promoting the right products at the right time is another great way to improve your tech affiliate marketing strategy. For example, November/December is a great time to do big roundup reviews of physical products. On the other hand, underwater cameras and drones are popular during the summer.

Following keyword trends on Google Trends is a great way to see how certain topics become more or less popular during different times of the year.




my self Aazam , i have interest in latest technologies and recently i have start gaining interest in affiliate marketing . i love to discover new things.