Amber Brown
3 min readOct 30, 2016


It is critical to protect freedom of speech and expression FOR ALL RATHER THAN SOME.

This incident serves as one of many verifiable proofs that only a portion of Americans are granted the privilege to actually excercise their liberties (no matter how deeply un-“patriotic”) with little to no worry about being muzzled, violently attacked or collectively dehumanized. Had Kaepernick arrived at a game dressed as “God” along with friends painted in white face and covered in pigs’ blood, he’d most likely have been physically attacked by other “patriotic” Americans and law enforcement. Additionally, #BlackLivesMatter would experience extreme backlash, unwarranted blame and further social disqualification. If a Native American had come dressed as war-ready Geronimo with a friend in the likeness of Christopher Columbus, scalp peeled back and heart removed; he too would face immediate physical danger from his peers, further intimidation from law enforcement and relentless demoralization from all sides. This long-standing tradition of picking and choosing who is really deserving of their nationally guaranteed freedoms is not simply unfair or imbalanced. Those words are too small and impotent. It is unacceptable, dishonest and cowardly.

No one should bother trying to prevent foolish, hateful or extremist expressions, no matter how offensive. If someone wants to let it all hang out, they are giving show. We can watch or not. We can choose not to be baited. Expose yourself as a bigot if that is your preference or inclination. Hurl vulgarities at minorities if it relieves some aggression in you or seems necessary. Sticks and stones folks. Sticks and motherfucking stones. We are more than capable of reason and therefore fully comprehend that loss of liberty for one of us (even one we don’t personally respect) is loss of liberty for all.

Let angry white America continue to slander its own leadership and social counterparts. We are not afraid of or in anyway lessened by words alone. However, Kaepernick and whomever else must be allowed to kneel in silence, peacefully, free from the threat of being fined/fired/lynched. Indigenous peoples (a.k.a. those forced to share… no, surrender their homeland to blood and gain thirsty, universally disrespectful intruders who in turn noisily and hypocritically boast of “freedom” ) must be able to stand in peace and voice their concerns WITHOUT THE PRESENCE OF ARMORED VEHICLES. WITHOUT SUFFERING ILLEGAL USE OF LETHAL FORCE. WITHOUT BEING ARRESTED. WITHOUT BEING REMOVED BY FORCE.

But that’s not all. American minorities must be granted the liberty to be just as verbally and brazenly offensive as angry white Americans. They must be permitted to voice their anger in earnest. Donald Trump’s assessment of America’s increasingly and ridiculous over sensitivity is apt. Americans must be equally, collectively and lawfully permitted to voice any opinion, belief , bias, preference, complaint and idea. Yes, this means people could and would decry homosexuality, trans gendered people, religions, ethnicities…whatever. Yes, you may be called a fag, spic, nigger, jew, deplorable or simple sack of shit. This will cause superficial offense but prevent thorough and enforced legislation of our thoughts; and, it will it effectively prevent opposition in any form from being completely outlawed.

All of us need to suck it up and stop asking our peers to treat us with kid gloves while demanding our personal freedoms. More than anything right now, it’s time for angry white America themselves to suck it the fuck up; stop attacking everyone and everything that threatens your delicate little comfort bubbles then completely bitching out when it’s time for the other side(s) to weigh in.

If we cannot compromise with dignity at this simplest level we have already lost it all. If we insist on this smallness yet continue to call ourselves free, wave and impose our freedom flag, treat the national anthem like a living god child and proceed with our fundamentally inaccurate claim of inherent/devine superiority over everyone and everything, literally everywhere; we deserve to suffer all we will suffer, eternally.


