Apprehensive to liberated & proud!

Abigail Barnes
3 min readJul 3, 2019


When was the last time you tried something new?

One 1/3 of The 888 Formula is dedicated to living your life. As we’ve discovered both personally and from ongoing research (what are your hobbies) while some people have many amazing and varied hobbies others don’t have any.

Some are recovering workaholics like me, some have never made it a priority and do the same things with the same people, while others don’t have time/don’t make time to try something new.

Then there are the excuses stopping us from trying something new.

Excuses steal joy so we gave it a go!

The 60 Minute Beginners Swing Dancing class flew by.

There was no need to worry about not having a partner to go with as we all danced in a circle and rotated partners.

“I was apprehensive about not getting it right, before the class, now I feel relaxed, it was doable and to get better requires practice.” Mark

We meet and dance with novices like us and regulars/pros. The steps were simple and fun and the time flew, it was a truly mindful experience!

“I was very nervous about making a fool out of myself and contemplated having a few drinks for courage. At the end of the class, I feel so liberated and proud of myself for making the effort and time to attend.” Steve

Did any of the fears we’d collectively had come true…no, not one.

We all had fun!

“I was curious and excited to try something new. I loved the great vibes, it was really good fun.” Paolo

And that’s the purpose of a hobby.

The results of the Swing Dancing Experiment

Will any of us be volunteering for Strictly Come Dancing any time soon?

Maybe not but we’d all do it again.

My biggest take away from tonight was that I wasn’t too busy to do something after work.

I had committed to attending, planned my outfit, my shoes and my day.

I’d been to the bank to get the cash I needed and left enough time to arrive without rushing.

I used the 8 Minute Plan to get into the mindset of success.

What was interesting was that 8 people also committed to attending the class and trying something new with me and only 4 of us showed up.

The others had very valid reasons, but what can happen if we’re not careful is that over time our reasons become excuses and habits and the comfort zone becomes comfortable.

Are you Committed or Interested

They say that only 8% of New Year resolutions ever become a new habit.

Can you even remember what you decided was going to happen in 2019 or are you waiting for 202 to start again?

About 67% of people that have a Gym membership have never even used it.

Around 85% of people that start a course or a book never finish it.

It’s good to know your own mind and quit things you don’t like, it’s also good to try new things and learn what success from practice feels like, and learn to call yourself out on your BS!

Awareness is the key to change.

Are you a member of The 888 Community there are some great conversations and connections being made in this free online group.



Abigail Barnes

👋 Abigail Barnes | International Speaker | Author | Founder of Success by Design Training & Creator of the 888 Formula