4 min readNov 18, 2023

7 signs to know that your relationship is about to crash !!

If God’s relationship with man could crash ! What about ours ?. Like we all know the story of Adam. How Adam’s relationship with God started and how it ended . As far as we humans are habiting this planet and love thrives , relationship is bound to crash. Because no relationship has ever lasted forever without Crisis and tough times.
Ponder , research and travel back to history to know how the great relationships of empires , Kings , queens and Rich moguls all it ended..
Point of fact , history will only narrate what happened but wont revealed how it ended..
In essence as an experienced guy in this relationship business of a thing I want to say that the first time a relationship begins is the first time doubt will come into play.
Years back in Sweden , while I was living in Stockholm , I had a female friend named Lara whom I loved very much , me being a normal British guy , the relationship was so real and it even looked to last forever. I had to suspend my work just to focus with Lara because she needed my presence all the time. I never dreamt of leaving or even thought for once that our relationship would one day crash. Everyday of our lives in Sweden , love kept on waxing stronger and stronger. The bond was so strong that nothing on this Earth could ever break it. Having known each other for four years , we both trust each other and we related happily in unity.
Shockingly one day I met a female friend of mine whom I knew and worked with at Manchester , Isabella by name , Isabella was a timid and lovely girl . Because of how her field was related to my , she later worked with me in Stockholm. One day Isabella stayed over in my apartment early in the morning I had to drop her off the street , my fiance Lara caught us up while trying to walk off the door in the morning , she was very angry , she couldn’t even say anything , she walked out of me , guys that was the last time I ever saw Lara face to face. Eventually I lost Lara , getting her back and like trying to tell her what happened was very difficult..
After spending nearly 6 months trying to explain what really happened to Lara , Lara later accepted me again and our relationship was restored again.
In essence guys , to be very Frank we shouldn’t hide secrets when ever we are in a relationship , because I once told Lara that Isabella was a friend , I never told her that her work was related to my also..
This article seeks to unveil those signs / indicators that will let you know when your relationship is about to crash.. before delving in
Are you single indeed of a profound relationship and dating advices . Book me up for a great conversation in the comments section!!

Communication Breakdown:
The cornerstone of any healthy relationship is effective communication. When open dialogue transforms into stony silences, frequent misunderstandings, or a lack of genuine connection, it's a glaring sign that your emotional bridge might be weakening.

Emotional Distance:
Intimacy is the lifeblood of a thriving relationship. If you find yourselves growing emotionally distant, with a growing sense of isolation, it's time to take stock. Emotional disconnection can lead to a chasm that becomes increasingly difficult to bridge.

Constant Conflict:
Every couple faces challenges, but if your relationship feels like a battleground more often than not, it's a red flag. Constant arguments, unresolved issues, and a general atmosphere of tension can erode the foundation of even the strongest partnerships.

Lack of Trust:
Trust is the bedrock of a solid relationship. When trust is compromised or broken, it can be incredibly challenging to rebuild. Signs of mistrust, such as secrecy, suspicion, or dishonesty, should be addressed promptly to prevent further deterioration.

Diminished Intimacy:
Physical intimacy is a crucial aspect of most romantic relationships. A sudden or gradual decline in affection, intimacy, or a lack of interest in each other's well-being can signal underlying issues that demand attention.

Individual Growth at the Expense of the Relationship:
While personal growth is essential, it becomes problematic when it starts to overshadow the collective growth of the relationship. If both partners are pursuing their individual paths without considering the impact on the relationship, it can create a disconnect that is hard to reconcile.

Neglect of Quality Time:
The demands of modern life can be overwhelming, but neglecting the need for quality time together is a dangerous path. If date nights, shared activities, or even meaningful conversations become rare commodities, it's a clear indication that priorities may be shifting.

Recognizing these signs is the first step towards salvaging a relationship on the brink. Honest communication, couples counseling, and a genuine commitment to change can often be the catalyst for healing. However, it's crucial to acknowledge when the storm has become too turbulent, and it might be time to seek professional help or consider parting ways for the well-being of both individuals. Remember, acknowledging the signs is a courageous act, and seeking resolution is a testament to the strength of your love.


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