Walkability and the 15-minute City Model

12 min readFeb 9, 2023


An Integrated Approach for the City of Tirana

15-minutes concept

The 15-minute city is a vision for urban planning and development that prioritizes the well-being and quality of life of city dwellers. It is based on the idea that people should have easy and quick access to the essential services and amenities they need on a daily basis, without having to rely on automobiles or public transportation. This not only reduces transportation-related emissions, but it also contributes to the creation of safer, healthier, and more livable communities.
The 15-minute city also promotes the idea of “complete neighborhoods,” where all the necessary facilities, such as grocery stores, healthcare providers, schools, parks, and cultural and entertainment venues, are located within a 15-minute radius of a person’s home. This enhances the sense of community and fosters social interaction, as people can walk or bike to the places they need to go and interact with their neighbors along the way.
The focus on easy access to goods and services, particularly necessities such as groceries and healthcare, is a crucial aspect of the 15-minute city. It emphasizes the importance of sustainable and equitable access to these basic necessities, regardless of a person’s income or location. This not only improves the quality of life for residents, but it also helps to build more resilient communities that are less dependent on automobiles and other forms of transportation.

In conclusion, the 15-minute city is a holistic approach to urban planning and development that prioritizes the well-being of city dwellers and the sustainability of communities. By creating livable and complete neighborhoods that offer easy access to essential services and amenities, it contributes to the creation of healthier, safer, and more equitable urban environments.

Study Area

This work focuses on the study area of the capital city of Albania, Tirana, specifically the Administrative Unit of Tirana, which forms part of the larger Tirana Municipality. The population of this area, as indicated by data from Tirana Open Data 2021, is 682,651 individuals. The Administrative Unit of Tirana is home to numerous national government offices, as well as several significant local government offices. The analysis carried out in this work takes into account the accessibility of various key amenities, such as educational institutions, healthcare facilities, coffee shops and restaurants, tourist attractions, and grocery stores, from a pedestrian perspective.

Tirana and its Position in Albania

Access to Healthcare facilities

Access to healthcare is a critical factor in determining the overall health and well-being of a population. In urban areas, where high population densities can make it difficult for residents to access essential services, it is even more important to consider the proximity of healthcare facilities. The 15-minute city approach provides a framework for urban planners to ensure that residents have access to essential services, including healthcare, within a reasonable distance from their homes.

This approach prioritizes walkability, making it easier for residents to access essential services without relying on private transportation. By reducing reliance on cars, the 15-minute city approach can also help to reduce traffic congestion, air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, by ensuring that healthcare facilities are within a reasonable distance from homes, the 15-minute city approach can help to improve the health and well-being of residents, particularly those who are unable to drive or have limited mobility. This can have a positive impact on public health outcomes and reduce the burden on healthcare systems.

Location of Medical Clinics and Their Service Areas

The analysis of access to public medical clinics in the area presents a complex picture of the availability and proximity of this essential service to buildings. The data shows that only 16% of buildings have direct access within a 5-minute walk, which raises concerns about the adequacy of access to medical care for a significant portion of the population.

However, the situation improves when considering access within a 15-minute walk, where 73% of buildings have access to a public medical clinic. This highlights the positive impact that promoting walkability and creating environments that prioritize the needs of residents can have on access to essential services.

The accessibility of public medical clinics is a critical factor in ensuring the health and well-being of residents. The provision of medical care is essential for maintaining good health, and the proximity of clinics is a significant factor in determining whether residents have adequate access to this essential service.

Location of Pharmacies and Their Service Areas

As per pharmacies the results of the analysis indicate that 19,428 buildings in Tirana are located within a 5-minute walk from the nearest pharmacy. This represents approximately 50% of the total number of buildings in the city.

Furthermore, the fact that half of all buildings in Tirana are located within a 5-minute walk from a pharmacy suggests that walkability is a crucial aspect of the city’s infrastructure and development. This finding highlights the need for continued investment in pedestrian-friendly infrastructure and services to ensure that residents have access to the healthcare services they need.


Same as in the access to pharmacies, the walkability of a community plays a crucial role in determining the accessibility of education for students and their families. Neighborhoods that are highly walkable provide students with greater access to educational opportunities and can reduce transportation costs, making it easier for families to invest in their children’s education. Research has demonstrated that walkable environments also have a positive impact on students’ health and well-being, as well as their academic performance. By providing opportunities for physical activity and reducing dependence on automobiles, walkable communities can enhance the overall health and quality of life of students.

However, walkability can also present challenges in areas with high traffic volume and inadequate pedestrian infrastructure, which can pose safety risks to students. These areas may pose difficulties for students in getting to and from school safely, limiting their access to education.

Locations of High Schools and Their Service Areas

The analysis shows that access to high schools within a 5-minute walk is limited, with only 5,177 buildings, or 13% of the total, being located within this proximity. Although this number increases to 21,144 buildings, or 54%, when considering a 15-minute walk, it is evident that there is still room for improvement.

This lack of access to high schools within a reasonable walking distance is a significant issue that needs to be addressed by decision-makers in Tirana. With half of the buildings in the city lacking this access, students and families may face challenges in getting to and from school safely and may also incur additional transportation costs.

This limited access to high schools can also impact students’ health and well-being, as well as their academic performance. A walkable environment can have a positive impact on students’ physical activity levels and mental health, and can also support their academic success.

Tourist Attractions

The “15-minute city” concept can enhance access to tourist attractions by making it easier for tourists to reach them on foot or by bike, rather than relying on cars or public transportation. This can create a more authentic and immersive experience for tourists and help reduce traffic congestion and air pollution in the area around the attraction. Additionally, the concept can help to promote local businesses and create more vibrant neighborhoods, making the area around tourist attractions more appealing to visitors. Overall, the “15-minute city” concept can improve access to tourist attractions by creating more livable and sustainable cities that are attractive to both residents and visitors.

Tourist Attraction Sites and Their Service Area

The data presented indicates that only a small proportion of buildings in Tirana, Albania have access to the nearest tourist attraction within a 5-minute walk. Specifically, 4.685 buildings, or approximately 12% of the total buildings in the city, are within a 5-minute walk of a tourist attraction.

However, the situation improves when considering a 15-minute walk, as the numbers show that 19,848 buildings, or roughly 50% of the total, are within that proximity to a tourist attraction. This highlights the potential for improvement in terms of accessibility to tourist attractions for the majority of buildings in the city.

It is important to note that having easy access to tourist attractions can contribute to the overall livability and sustainability of a city. It can provide residents and visitors with a convenient and enjoyable experience, as well as encourage local economic development and social cohesion. Therefore, it may be beneficial for the city of Tirana to consider strategies to increase the proportion of buildings with access to tourist attractions within a reasonable walking distance.

Coffee Shops

Access to coffee shops in Tirana through the implementation of a “15-minute city” concept raises philosophical questions about the role of cities in our lives and what we value as a society.

At its core, the “15-minute city” concept prioritizes the idea that cities should be designed to serve the needs of residents, rather than simply being engines of economic growth. By making it easier for residents to reach coffee shops and other essential services within a 15-minute walk or bike ride, the concept encourages a more sustainable and livable city.

Moreover, the concept promotes the idea that cities should be places of community and social interaction, where residents can come together and engage with one another over a cup of coffee. By bringing coffee shops and other social spaces closer to residents, the “15-minute city” concept can foster a sense of community and belonging, and create opportunities for meaningful human connection.

At the same time, the concept raises broader questions about the kind of cities we want to create and the values we want to prioritize. Are we satisfied with cities that prioritize economic growth over the well-being of residents? Or do we want cities that prioritize sustainability, livability, and social interaction?

Coffee Shops location and their service area

The data indicates that in Tirana, 55.5% of buildings have direct access to the nearest coffee shop within a 5-minute walk. This demonstrates a strong level of accessibility for residents, providing them with convenient and quick access to these establishments. However, the most striking result is that the number of buildings with access to a coffee shop within a 15-minute walk is a remarkable 98%. This suggests that the vast majority of buildings in Tirana are located within a reasonable proximity to a coffee shop, providing a high level of convenience for residents.

In conclusion, the analysis of the access to coffee shops in Tirana shows that a significant proportion of buildings have direct access within a 5-minute walk and an almost total accessibility within a 15-minute walk. This highlights the importance of considering the proximity of essential services in urban planning, and the positive impact that the “15-minute city” concept can have on the livability and sustainability of cities. By prioritizing the needs of residents and promoting walkability, cities can create environments that are both convenient and enjoyable to live in.

Grocery Store

Access to grocery stores is an essential aspect of daily life, as it provides individuals with the ability to purchase fresh and healthy food. In urban areas, access to grocery stores can be limited, particularly for those who live in low-income communities or lack access to transportation. The 15-minute city approach aims to improve access to essential services, including grocery stores, by promoting walkability and ensuring that these services are located within a reasonable distance from homes.

Research has shown that individuals who live in areas with limited access to grocery stores are more likely to suffer from diet-related illnesses, such as obesity and heart disease. By making it easier for individuals to purchase fresh and healthy food, the 15-minute city approach can help to promote healthy eating habits and reduce the burden on healthcare systems.

In addition, improving access to grocery stores can have wider social and economic benefits. For example, by promoting walkability and reducing reliance on cars, the 15-minute city approach can help to create livable and sustainable communities that support local businesses and the wider economy. By prioritizing access to essential services, including grocery stores, cities can create environments that support the health, well-being, and prosperity of their residents.

Grocery Stores location and their service area

According to the results of the analysis, the grocery store access in the studied area presents a considerable availability within a 5-minute walk, as it is reported that 17,167 buildings, which represents 44% of the total, are located near at least one grocery store. This proximity to food sources plays a fundamental role in the daily lives of individuals, as it provides a crucial aspect of sustenance and nourishment. The availability of grocery stores within a close proximity to one’s residence has been shown to positively impact the health and well-being of individuals, as it facilitates access to fresh and healthy food options.

The proximity of grocery stores to residential areas is especially relevant in urban settings where access to transportation may be limited and where individuals often have busy schedules. In these scenarios, the ability to easily access food sources within a short period of time can significantly improve quality of life, enabling residents to manage their time more efficiently and effectively. Additionally, the presence of grocery stores within close proximity can support local economies, as it increases the potential for small businesses to thrive and helps to sustain local food systems.


In conclusion, the results of the analysis of access to the components that contribute to the livability of a city in Tirana demonstrate the existence of both positive and negative aspects. On one hand, the city’s residents have relatively good access to essential services such as coffee shops, grocery stores, and healthcare facilities, especially pharmacies. On the other hand, the availability of high-quality educational facilities remains a major concern in the city.

To address this issue, it is imperative that decision-makers engage in a thoughtful and systematic approach to the planning and development of the city. This can be accomplished through a combination of approaches, including the construction of new educational facilities in strategic locations, the improvement of road infrastructure to better accommodate pedestrians and cyclists, and the promotion of active transportation through public education and policy initiatives. These efforts will not only contribute to the improvement of access to educational facilities but also to the overall livability and sustainability of the city.

Moreover, it is important to consider the social, economic, and environmental implications of these initiatives, in order to ensure that the efforts aimed at improving the access to education facilities are effective and equitable. Ultimately, a city that provides its residents with good access to essential services, including high-quality educational facilities, is a city that is thriving and able to meet the diverse needs and interests of its citizens.


The methodology used to conduct the analysis of access to various components in the city of Tirana was a multi-step process that involved data collection, spatial analysis, and statistical analysis. The first step involved gathering data from different sources, including OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Tirana Open Data, etc. The data collection process was challenging due to the lack of corrected georeferenced data.

Once the data was obtained, it was then processed and analyzed using different tools in ArcGIS Pro. The aim was to create service areas for 5, 10, and 15-minute walks for each component of the city. This involved the use of various spatial analysis techniques to represent the access in terms of the walking distance from different parts of the city to various components. Finally, statistical analysis was conducted to analyze the data and to obtain meaningful insights into the access levels in real numbers.

The methodology adopted in this analysis was designed to provide a comprehensive and accurate picture of the access levels to various components in Tirana. It involved the use of advanced tools and techniques that enabled the efficient processing and analysis of large datasets. By combining different sources of data and using different spatial analysis techniques, the methodology ensured that the results of the analysis were robust, reliable, and relevant to the city of Tirana.

For more, do not hesitate to contact me on LinkedIn: Abas Kasa.


