Understanding the Difference Between DevOps and DevSecOps in Fintech Companies (An Insightful Exploration)

Abay Serkebayev
2 min readNov 7, 2023


In my extensive experience within the fintech activity, I've closely observed and participated in the transformative shift from DevOps to DevSecOps. DevOps, a blend of development and IT operations, is vital in an industry characterized by the swift pace of financial markets and rigorous regulatory demands.

DevSecOps introduces a game-changing element: preemptive security. This approach weaves security into the development lifecycle from the start, which is crucial in fintech where the assurance of financial data is synonymous with customer trust. DevOps prioritizes speed and collaboration, but DevSecOps champions security as a core, shared responsibility.

The transition to DevSecOps in fintech is not a mere trend but an operational imperative. It calls for a paradigm shift in corporate culture, turning developers into proactive contributors to security, and emphasizes the adoption of tools that facilitate automated security protocols and compliance processes.

Case studies, such as those reported by Forbes in their 2019 article "DevOps for Finance," highlight the successes of automated security integration within CI/CD pipelines, dramatically reducing security incidents and enhancing operational efficiency in financial services firms.

To support the discussions, pivotal works like Gene Kim's "The Phoenix Project" (2013) and Jez Humble's "Continuous Delivery" (2010) provide foundational frameworks that underscore the principles and advantages of DevOps and DevSecOps. Additionally, the Carnegie Mellon University report "DevSecOps and the Cybersecurity Culture" (2017) delves into the cultural shifts necessary for effective security integration.

In practical terms, DevSecOps in fintech translates to rigorous, automated security testing and constant compliance monitoring—essential practices that are as routine as performance testing in the development process.

In summary, while DevOps has significantly advanced fintech companies' development and deployment capabilities, DevSecOps represents an evolutionary leap forward, embedding stringent security practices into the very essence of software development. For the high-stakes fintech industry, this is not a luxury but a fundamental requirement, ensuring a future where digital financial solutions are as secure as they are innovative.

1. Kim, Gene, et al. "The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win." IT Revolution, 2013.
2. Humble, Jez, and David Farley. "Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation." Addison-Wesley Professional, 2010.
3. Ahamed, Shabnam. "DevOps for Finance." Forbes, 2019.
4. Allen, Julia, et al. "DevSecOps and the Cybersecurity Culture." Carnegie Mellon University, 2017.
5. Rahman, Fakhrul, et al. "Integrating Security into DevOps." Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2021.

