The Rise Of Anime (Japanese Animation)

5 min readOct 26, 2023


For the last few years, we have seen a rise in anime conventions and comic con’s in different convention centers and universities of Pakistan; students embodying the look and even personalities of their favorite anime and comic book characters. But how did anime, a Japanese product and comic book heroes, mainly American, became so popular in the world. It is estimated that more than a third of the world population, (2.88 billion people) watch anime. It is to be noted that Anime is the 3rd most in-demand subgenre worldwide with a 5.5% demand share. Over 100 million homes worldwide had watched at least 1 anime title on Netflix in 2020; this was a 50% increase from past year, this might be due to the fact that during the pandemic and the quarantine, viewers might have explored new types of content (Ferjan, 2023). Below are some statistics on the market size of Anime (2022) compared to other types of content. According to researchers, the market size of anime is expected to increase to 60.6 billion by 2030. (Global Anime Market Insights, 2023) (SKYQUEST, 2023) ( (insights, 2023)

So, what makes this form of entertainment so unique and special that it crosses boundaries of culture and language?


You might have seen young adults or even older adults immerse themselves in watching these big eyed cartoon characters with colorful hair engage in over-exaggerated fights on screen but what is so special about this type of animation than any other. Anime focuses on emotional challenges we might face in our daily lives and focuses on stories tied to human emotion whereas most cartoons are made to make audience laugh or educate. Anime doesn’t always follow a general concept and its themes vary greatly. Characters are complex and are 3 dimensional, having unique personalities, flaws, moral compass and goals. This depth in character causes the story to be much more engaging. Anime has a much more interesting process of introducing, developing characters and the characters’ world. Some anime takes themselves very seriously, often depicting adult themes such as nihilism, existentialism, solipsism, war, genocide etc.

Original Japanese manga and anime were produced for Japanese audiences and thus included mostly Japanese cultural references but with time they started taking inspirations from Western cultures as well. Just look at an anime like attack on titan whose premise somewhat seems to be inspired from the conditions of World War 2.

Drawing style

Anime’s appeal comes from the fact that it has a very distinct type of drawing style which separates it from its western counterparts. Characters have prominent facial expressions which are overly exaggerated in times of happiness and stress; often done to induce humor. It might come as a surprise but most faces of the characters look cute because they are modelled after the faces of cats which have naturally endearing faces. Talking more about design, the reason the characters have large eyes is because there is this belief that “Eyes are the window to the soul” so characters having large eyes is a distinct feature of Japanese animation and character design. The modern comic book style anime we see today was introduced by Moshi Productions of Osamu Tazuka in 1961 (Britannica, 2023).


Much of anime is aimed at children but many anime tackle complex adult themes as well. Anime like Ergo Proxy, PsychoPass, Lost in Abyss, Code Geass, Death Note, Monster and 2oth Century Boys are good examples of some serious and though provoking anime which generate questions inside the viewers mind rather than simply entertaining. Such anime explore subjects such as psychopathy, serial killing, war and colonization, the human condition, and nihilism etc. What attracts the viewer is how anime can deal with such issues in a more imaginative and creative way than other competing mediums. This can be attributed to the genius of Japanese writers and artists who have bring us such mind bending stories.

Anime like Pokémon, Dragon Ball, Bakugan, Naruto, Bleach and YuGiOh serve as a source of nostalgia for many old time anime viewers. They added color to many childhoods and gave them amazing superheroes to look up to. Now those children have become young adults and they express their love for anime through collecting merchandise and cosplaying. There are internet websites, streaming services (Crunchyroll) and forums dedicated to anime. Given below is a list of top rated anime in the industry. (IMDB, 2017)

Below is a chart displaying the top anime watching countries (review, 2023)


Pakistan is a country with a very few channels of its own self-expression and entertainment. Politics encompasses many forms of art in the country whether it be a comedy show, theatre play or a movie on a social issue; politics has a very prominent place in the entertainment and infotainment domain. Even the stories dramas have becomes stale and fail to attract the newer generations. This has created a gap in the content market and anime is fulfilling it successfully. Fans express love for anime in comic cons and conventions. Just this year, the 5th Annual Karachi Anime & Comic Con 2023 arranged by Geek Haven was held on the 5th of February at the Arts Council Karachi. Hundreds of anime and comic book fans gathered at the venue to meet fellow enthusiasts and participate in a variety of activities and show off their remarkable cosplay costumes. There were also gaming areas where visitors competed against each other in friendly matches of Mario, Tekken, Dragon Ball Z and more. Such conventions have been happening for many years in Lahore and Karachi. Similarly, comic cons have been happening in Lahore city since 2016. Such devotion has created a new market in the country; we now see anime and comic book merchandise (Toy, Posters, Masks, keychains, notebook, shirts, hoodies, character props) being sold in shopping malls and online stores (Digital Realm). Anime has grounded itself in the Pakistani communities and has found itself devout fans who are willing to spend lots of money to express their love for it.

