Perfect Possibility — Genesis

Salina Brett
5 min readOct 22, 2017


This is your story. It is a story about where you are right now, how you came to be here, and the amazing path of perfect possibility that is shining ahead of you.

credit: Quanta Magazine

Before your beginning, indeed, before the beginning of all things in our universe, there were infinite possibilities. The Divine Light was among those possibilities, as was our universe, and you. It was and is, our possibility. Although our possibility existed, it had not yet been observed.

Then, it was seen, and our possibility exploded as light-energy from the tiniest thing and began to expand. Conscious and entwined into our possibility — our reality, the Divine Light faded into the fabric of space-time, and for many ages all was dark. Gaseous clay filled the new heavens, drifting around while the Divine Light mulled the infinite possibilities of our reality.

Ages passed. The gaseous clay drifted and gathered, drawn together in ever more dense clumps until something new happened. One of the clumps of gas burst forth into light. It was not the Divine Light, but it was like a child to it. This new star was the first candle to overcome the physical darkness in our reality.

Soon, many more stars were born and the heavens began to brighten, just as a dark room glows a bit more warmly and brightly when neighbors light candles, one by one. Though the stars brought light to the dark universe, this was not their only purpose. The Divine Light has depth to each of DLs actions; the stars were also forges to create new matter for our reality — a particular Perfect Possibility the Divine Light sought, and still seeks to explore.

Eventually, these ancient light-forges died and cast their remains among the gaseous clay still swirling from the instant our possibility became our reality. More ages passed, and the new clay mixed with the old to form new lights in the heavens. The clay mix around these star-lights circled and gathered, forming many wondrous planets, and moons, and asteroids, and comets. The Divine Light smiled, for DL knew that as these small wonders orbited their lights, DLs Perfect Possibility included small living wonders that would orbit their Divine Light.

Our world took shape around our warm star-light, experiencing many turbulent ages as the clouds of lifeless matter and debris took shape to fulfill their purpose in our Perfect Possibility. Our star’s light had long nurtured and cared and fed and warmed the clay upon our world as the Divine Light waited expectantly, patiently. At the appropriate time, warm, moist pools covered the firm surface of our world, serving as a womb for the tiniest changes happening in the most remarkable of ways. Suddenly, a new light burst forth!

This new light was life. From the wet clay that had no life, life came to be, and with it, infinitely more possibilities. The Divine Light was delighted, for this new light of life shone with a glimmer of the Divine Light’s nature. Through the thin, tightly woven fabric of our material universe, the Divine Light’s essence began to permeate and illuminate the cloth.

The Divine Light whispered and sang and hummed as DL molded and pulled this bit of life throughout time and space. Like a confectioner with living taffy, the Divine Light created wonderful and amazing creatures, great and small, gentle and fierce, all connected and yet all uniquely separate. Life grew and diversified and adapted to our ever-changing world, always moving toward a very particular possibility that the Divine Light had long envisioned as our Perfect Possibility.

More ages passed and again, so very suddenly, another unique light burst forth. This time, the light shone from one of the creatures inhabiting our world. The creature looked around our world and understood yesterday, today, and tomorrow. It understood the patterns of seasons. It understood the relationship of footprints to feet and hand-prints to hands and how to change sounds to communicate with others of its kind. It was aware of its connection to the universe and the Divine Light. The Divine Light danced and sang with joy. Humanity had infinite possibilities.

Credit: teamlab

All the humans before us prospered and filled the earth, shaping it to their will, much as the Divine Light shapes our reality to DLs will. Generations come and go, much like our seasons, as the Divine Light continues weaving our individual possibilities into an amazing pattern of DLs Perfect Possibility.

Every person before us possessed infinite possibilities for his, her, and their lives. They chose life-paths of light and darkness that shaped their possibilities and those of others, but never overwhelming or thwarting our Perfect Possibility that the Divine Light continues to create. As their lives and light intersected and entwined and mated and passed on their essence of life, eventually a spark of Divine Light twinkled and began to grow to be you.

When you were born, the Divine Light smiled (as DL saw a bit of DLself in you) and pondered all the possibilities of your life that you could choose, and how often you’d seek the very best possibilities for your life, which are also those that fit beautifully into DLs Perfect Possibility.

Even as you finish this story, you have so many choices that you can make. Will you take a nap, or make a sandwich, or go to work, or tend a baby, or help a neighbor? With each action you take, you choose a path within the infinite possibilities of your life.

Image: stuartpilbrow/Flickr

Perhaps you’ll even make a point to discover how your life-path can align in the very best way with the Divine Light’s Perfect Possibility. It will be a path that is uniquely and joyfully you, and one that brings light to others in a way that only you can.

May the Divine Light brightly illuminate both you and your life-path as you live and shine.


Not long ago I described my personal theology and philosophy in this way:

Pope Francis, Neil Degrasse Tyson, and Eckhart Tolle met in a bar and had a few drinks. After a while they began exploring the ways that their views of life, the universe, and everything could be connected.

When they left the bar, I picked up all the bar napkins they had scribbled upon and put them into a scrapbook. It’s my bible. There was one napkin on their table that all of them had initialed. One of the guys had even drawn a smiley face in the “o” of “love.”

I put it in the front of my spiritual scrapbook. It read this:

“Love your neighbor as yourself.”

I am transgender, trans-spiritual, and transformative. Perfect Possibility — Genesis is an outgrowth of the ever-brightening illumination of my faith life.



Salina Brett

I am child of Divine Light whose life purpose is to share that Light with others using words of encouragement, wisdom, and love.