The Bioluminescent Human

Salina Brett
10 min readJul 11, 2017


Theoretical physics, religion, and the paranormal are about to converge. That intersection could be where humanity redefines itself as a bioluminescent species with abilities much more fascinating than watching our butts light up like a summer evening firefly.

This is a philosophical discussion. Science plays an important part in the framework, but the deeper truths are found in our minds.

Be forewarned — the people with whom I’ve shared these ideas in-person have found the concepts very hard to shake, whether they agree with them or not. Once you’ve finished this short overview, you may well discover a unique, primal light newly lit within the well of your mind’s deepest thoughts. If that light is lit, it won’t be extinguished. It will either flicker stubbornly as you pursue your own philosophies of life, or it will grow within you, shining ever more brightly, illuminating and clarifying the universe around you and your bioluminescent presence within it.


In the very beginning, in the first unimaginably miniscule fraction of a second of our universe’s birth, there was energy only — Light. That energy cooled enough before the first second elapsed to create the most fundamental bits of matter that would eventually combine and grow as the universe expanded and cooled and aged to become what we see today.

We know that the universe continues to expand, but all the known mass and energy we can currently measure or calculate are not enough to account for the mechanics of all that is. There is yet much to be discovered.

In the microscopic world, smaller than atoms and their tiniest parts, it is widely accepted by theoretical physicists that other dimensions are in play to account for the behavior of these most fundamental bits of matter.

It may well be possible that what we see and measure as our universe is a cooled, material “cloth” of light stitched together by way of other dimensions. If we could lift that material cloth, we might unveil a dimension of Pure Light.


There are theories that support the idea that our universe itself might be “conscious” in the way all the bits of matter and energy within our brain create our consciousness.

The idea has been repeatedly proposed and dismissed for a long time, but has recently gained more attention as having possible validity. The idea is that at its most basic essence, all things are a binary “on-off” switch. This is similar to how computers work, and with some respect how brains and genetics work. You may have recently seen some headlines about this, equating the theory to The Matrix movie series, suggesting that what we experience may be a computer simulation. Other theorists speculate that it could equally be possible that our universe is self-aware, and the collective consciousness of all self-aware beings within this universe are a reflection of, or part of, this Universal Consciousness.


Suppose that the most fundamental energy from which our universe was created is in fact what we think of as “life.” All things organic move from a place where all the atoms and molecules and bits of matter are lifeless but then become “alive,” spend a period living, and then become lifeless. “Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust.”

If the universe is both conscious and growing, we can consider it to be “alive.” That life-energy, the Pure Light, is then what is binding together all the matter that we see, from atoms and cells and rocks and fish and plants to moons and stars and galaxies. It’s not a great leap to speculate that evolution is what we perceive as the “growth” of the Pure Light knit within all things, but existing in its entirety in not only our four dimensions of height, width, breadth and time, but also the additional ones that hold our four together.

However, for the universe to be self-aware (given current physics theories), it must also have self-aware “parts.” This is where you and I enter the theory, as well as whatever sentient beings have lived and currently live in our universe. Our bodies are made of the matter formed from the cooling of light/energy eons ago. Our “life,” however, may be a part of the greater Pure Light, like how a living cell in our brain has its own nucleus and function, but works collectively with other cells to form the mental essence of who we are.

It is from this basis, that we could philosophize humans as being creatures of light — both “cooled light” (the matter that makes up our bodies) and Pure Light (the energy that is “life” within us). While we may not be able to physically emit light (at least in this stage of our evolutionary process), we can use the “Bioluminescent Human” as a description to explore some interesting points of philosophic speculation.


We know that when life leaves organic matter, the material part simply decays back into its non-functional elements and compounds. That’s measurable science. What happens to the “life?” If one goes beyond simply that the life energy processes are converted to decay energy processes, we enter the realms of philosophy, religion, and perhaps soon — theoretical physics.

Suppose our “life” is a small bit of the Pure Light that is expressed for a time in our visible, material universe. Our consciousness — our soul, if you will — is shaped by our experiences while we are entwined and bound in this clay body. Our self-awareness, our ‘inner light’, our soul is then both unique, and yet connected to the greater, Pure Light. Since all beings of consciousness are comprised of, and connected to, the Pure Light, we all are connected to each other through the Pure Light. Our thoughts, both collective and individual, would be known by the collective Pure Light, but there is no way that any one of us could discern the working mind of that Pure Light, any more than one neuron in a brain could conceive what the entirety of the brain was thinking.

Without belaboring or delving deeply into the major religions of the world, it is easy to see the implications of where Nirvana, Heaven, near death experiences, and other “other side of death” concepts could find their source. If we are indeed Bioluminescent Humans, parts of the Pure Light, it’s reasonable that we would continually speculate upon a place of Light where we belong that is apart from, but connected to, this material world. Belief in life beyond death is a universal human social experience, even if there are atheists who are content to stick with the measurable dimensions of this universe.


This philosophical exercise of Pure Light and Bioluminescent Humans doesn’t explain all paranormal experiences. Indeed, the majority are very likely mistaken perceptions of material causes or pure fraud. However, there are a few things that may find their explanation in this model.


If our souls are both independent of, but connected to the Pure Light, then it doesn’t cease to exist when the matter surrounding it can no longer house it. This bit of self-aware consciousness might simply slip into the one or more other dimensions that comprise the threads of fabric that is our world. It might be possible that a couple of phenomena could occur. One — that time itself casts shadows of the past into the present. This would explain those curious recurrent ghosts, like a soldier crossing a hallway in an 18th century home. Two — it may be possible for souls no longer connected to the material world to manifest as a dim version of their Pure Light form. For those souls connected by family or strong emotional bonds, there may be something in that they are also connected more closely in the dimensions of Pure Light, as well. Therefore, they wouldn’t be as likely to be either visible or “perceived” (a sense of presence) by others.


There is a growing body of hard evidence that some young children contain remarkably accurate memories of another person who has died. Even Carl Sagan, a noted skeptic of all things paranormal, listed this as one of three phenomena that had no current scientific basis, but were worth more investigation. If the soul is indeed an imprint of a material life on part of the greater Pure Light, then it is also possible that the soul of one person could reconnect in another material body of similar self-awareness.

Psychic Ability

Citing Sagan again, another curious phenomenon is the ability of some people under mild sensory deprivation (like a blindfold) to correctly perceive a shape that another person has drawn and is mentally projecting to him or her. Some people can do this, measurably and consistently, beyond the statistics of randomness.

That’s a simple, measurable example. But what of the many cases where one person “knows” another has died or is in crisis, despite being miles or continents away? What about those who can touch certain objects and recall previous events that surround it, or even future possibilities? It would be foolish to push this illustration too far, but if we are indeed all connected by the Pure Light, then it is well within feasible speculation that some of us are more attuned to that soul-to-Pure Light connection, and by extension, connection to other souls.


If we are philosophizing that our consciousness/soul is an extension of the Pure Light, then we must give some consideration to how our minds operate.

There is a branch in this field called Energy Psychology. This is their definition:

Energy psychology (EP) is a collection of mind-body approaches for understanding and improving human functioning. EP focuses on the relationship between thoughts, emotions, sensations, and behaviors, and known bioenergy systems (such as meridians and the biofield). These systems and processes exist, and interact, within individuals and between people. They are also influenced by cultural and environmental factors.

It is interesting that as Psychology advances, they too, are noting some connection between the energy of our body and how we function both individually and collectively.

In a real sense, the material world is a filter between us and the Pure Light. Even if our souls are comprised of the Pure Light and connected to it, our perceptions are largely experienced in this material body. Since this is the case, we then begin to build other psychological filters like what is “good” and “bad” and “right” and “wrong” and “normal” and “bat-shit-crazy” so that we can interact socially in this material world. All of us have several of these filters, and many others that we adopt (e.g., any self-characterization of identity: “I’m _________.”) or have socially thrust upon us (e.g., financial, racial, and gender hierarchies).

To the extent that we can remove those psychological filters, we can more clearly perceive not just the material world, but the world of human interactions around us. By doing this — we get a higher resolution look at our collective humanity and by extension our collective consciousness. This draws us much closer to the Pure Light.

For some who pursue shedding their connection to the material altogether — like various religious mystics, it may well be that we are able to glimpse a bit of the Pure Light while still embodied in our material bodies.


Is a new light lit in your mind?

If the Pure Light is lit, these ideas will either return as recurrent, annoying adversaries to your own worldview, or begin lighting small fires of insight into various areas of your mind and life experiences. Connections between self and others and science and philosophy and religion will start snapping together in ways you’d never previously considered. You may even begin to recognize both personal and social filters that prevent you from “shining” as you are built to shine (i.e., being the most genuine person you are).

Wherever you are in life, and whatever your worldview, let us all continue to strive toward a collective consciousness of common good and welfare for us all and the planet that we share. If we can succeed in that endeavor, no one will be lost in darkness, and we will have made a great leap forward in our own human evolution.


Many references exist for the ideas I have presented, the few below are representative, as well as easily read and understood.




At the time of writing there are three claims in the ESP field which, in my opinion, deserve serious study: (1) that by thought alone humans can (barely) affect random number generators in computers; (2) that people under mild sensory deprivation can receive thoughts or images ‘projected’ at them; and (3) that young children sometimes report the details of a previous life, which upon checking turn out to be accurate and which they could not have known about in any other way than reincarnation. I pick these claims not because I think they’re likely to be valid (I don’t), but as examples of contentions that might be true.” Carl Sagan — The Demon Haunted World, The Marriage of Skepticism and Wonder.




Salina Brett

I am child of Divine Light whose life purpose is to share that Light with others using words of encouragement, wisdom, and love.