5 min readMar 29, 2020

OLCF Corporation Pte. Ltd: OLPORTAL is Creating the World’s First AI Neurobots Marketplace

Digital communication has become the norm of today's social fabric. Messenger apps are a must to stay in touch with friends. As these apps evolved, they offered the ability to include emotions that a normal text exchange missed out on. "Emojis" and GIFs became popular as a means to add life to another wise dour chat function.

As humans, however, we are prone to the social awkwardness that freezes our communication abilities, at times. We might fumble with the right words to say, the right emojis to share - all to convey what is exactly on our mind. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we always knew what the right thing to say is? Wouldn't it be great if technology, that gave the gift of digital chatting to us, helped us in how we communicate?

About Olportal

Olportal a decentralized messenger on neural networks with the function of Artificial Intelligence dialogues. Just imagine - tens, even hundreds, of AI bots with their unique personality traits, suggesting entire messages to choose from while conversing? All you have to do is chose the one that catches your fancy or you feel is apt for that moment, and press "send." You can hold entire conversations without having to type a single word! OLPORTAL has developed an entire ecosystem for the creation and utilization of OLAI neurobots with different personalities to make your communications easy, fast and infinitely fun.

iMe - the first platform based on OLPORTAL's technology

If you find yourself suffering from difficulties in picking up the right things to say in a conversation and if you always find yourself wondering how could you have said it better after the conversation is over, iMe Messenger is just the place for you. The iMe Messenger is OLPORTAL's first platform over the immensely popular Telegram app that seamlessly integrates with your Telegram chat.

While chatting, the iMe Messenger creates for you dialogues which not only make the conversation more fun but also save your thumbs the trouble of typing all those long sentences out.

iMe messenger makes use of integrated artificial intelligence to automatically create messages on your behalf; messages which are not composed of meaningless, robotic words, but which have a particular style and format of their own through the bots of your own choice. Messages so beautifully phrased that it is surprising to note that it was created by a bot. So for instance, a Confucius bot will be generous with messages full of life philosophy; while Grand Master Yoda will help you converse in his own unique way. "Found something, you have, I would say, hmmm?"

The global marketplace for AI neurobots is here!

OLPORTAL seeks to create a global marketplace for AI neurobots, a la Alexa Skills Marketplace. The marketplace will be hosted on the Hedera Hashgraph platform. The rationale behind choosing Headera Hashgraph was that a lot of computational power and storage of huge datasets for processing will be needed for the evolution of the neurobots. The Hashgraph platform will allow us to organize the operation of the entire OLPORTAL ecosystem more effectively, and we can also achieve the highest data processing speed on this platform.

OLPORTAL uses cutting edge technology

While there has been a lot of noise surrounding the adoption and eventual prevalence of AI systems in our lives, we do not see much use of this truly transformative technology. OLPORTAL uses cutting edge technology to train and educate the AI to better serve the end-user, unlike many other platforms where a dearth of a uniform training strategy often trains the AI very badly, leading to a spoilt system for everybody else. OLPORTAl's chats will apply the function LCFNN.6 (local communication function on neural networks, Level 6). This is a predictive system that involves native typing in a messenger's chat that is based on hybrid self-learning using deep neural networks, along with the assistance of the user. This leads to an AI that is eventually educated to Level 6.

Earning potential within the AI bots marketplace

The OLPORTAL AI Neurobots Marketplace seeks to attract developers to create unique AI bots based on OLPORTAL's robust technological framework and sell them to users. Not only will these AI bots help ordinary communication in chats - adding the much-needed freshness and fun quotient to mundane dialogues - they will also address complex corporate problems and offer solutions for the implementation of business plans and other processes. The opportunities and potential are limitless, and hampered only by one's imagination.

The OLPORTAL AI Neurobots Marketplace will support both, commercial and non-commercial neurobots. Commercial bots (or advertising bots) will market goods - food, furniture, clothing, accessories - and services - taxis, insurance, banking, tourism - while non-commercial bots will be "fun bots" that will add spice to communication.

When a user deploys a commercial bot, the bot will enter a conversation to promote its good or service naturally and organically. For every phrase the bot sends within the chat, the user (deployer) gets paid. This is a novel and exciting way to earn passive income.

Developers stand to earn through the development of unique bots and placing them on the marketplace. When the bot is bought and downloaded, the developer gets paid. The more popular a bot, the better income a developer receives.

While the potential for this kind of marketing is endless, there is no way in which user's personal data is used to target them with marketing messages, contrary to what some big names like Facebook and Google are doing. Marketing is purely native that is done by highly trained AI neurobots without having access to user data.

Parting words

OLPORTAL's AI bots are the first true application of this revolutionary technology to transform social communication. The OLPORTAL AI Neurobots Marketplace invites developers and users to leverage the advantage of cutting edge technology and utilize the true potential of AI and neural networks-based learning to open up a whole new world of opportunities.

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