9 Lessons I Learned When I Gave Up Social Media For 30 Days

Abbey Fatica
6 min readMar 6, 2018

Social Media Break: Day 30

That’s a wrap, folks. I made it through 30 days of no social media (give or take a slip or two). Thank you for coming on this journey with me. I’ve learned a lot.

Photo by Elijah O’Donnell on Unsplash

Haha, could you imagine if I left you hanging like that? Looking back over the last 30 days, I’ve learned:

  1. When you let go of obsessions, you receive the gift of time.
  2. My kids are fun little humans.
  3. It is not only possible to survive without my phone, but I can thrive.
  4. Social Media addiction is real.
  5. In the nothingness, you can find inspiration.
  6. Scheduling focused time can give you freedom.
  7. Mindfulness allows space to find your passion.
  8. Not every selfie, picture or video has to be shared.
  9. Your habits directly influence your family.

Gift of Time -> I never realized how much time I dedicated to being on my phone constantly checking my accounts to see if people were liking, commenting or messaging me. It was on and off all day but when I took this break, I opened up a world where I had more time to do the things I love, spend time with my family and take care of myself. I was…



Abbey Fatica

Writer, Author, Lover of all words and exclamation points!!! My children are the inspiration to my voice. Connect with me: http://abbeyfatica.com